Define what is to be evaluated

This cluster of evaluation tasks develops an initial description of the program and how it is understood to work.

This can be used to:

  • engage stakeholders in the task "understand and engage stakeholders" from the 'Manage' cluster of tasks
  • guide choices about what data to collect in the 'Describe' cluster of tasks
  • inform testing of causal links when planning how to 'Understand Causes'

In this section

  • Develop an initial description of what is to be evaluated, to ensure agreement about the boundaries.
  • A situation analysis examines the current situation and the factors contributing to it. This might include identification and analysis of needs, resources, strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats, and/or power analysis.

  • A programme theory or theory of change (TOC) explains how an intervention (a project, a programme, a policy, a strategy) is understood to contribute to a chain of results that produce the intended or actual impacts.
  • It is useful and ethical to consider possible negative impacts (that make things worse not better) and how they can be identified before an intervention (project, programme, or policy) is implemented and addressed in an evaluation or M&E System.

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