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  • Déterminer de quelle façon les décisions concernant l’évaluation seront prises

    Plusieurs décisions doivent être prises au cours d’une évaluation, notamment : l’objectif de l’évaluation (y compris les principales questions d’évaluation), le choix de l’évaluateur ou de l’équipe d’évaluation, l’approbation de la conception de l’...
    Manager's guide to evaluation
  • C4D: Accountable

    Transparent; rigour; multiple; quality Accountability means demonstrating results communities, partners, funders and policy makers. R,M&E that is rigorous, transparent and relevant will produce evidence for accountability.
    Communication for Development (C4D)
  • Check the results are consistent with causal contribution

    Check that the data are consistent with what would be expected if the intervention were contributing to producing the observed changes.
    Rainbow Framework
  • Clarify what will be evaluated

    An evaluation can focus on a project, a number of projects, a program, a policy, a strategy, an organization, a network.
    Manager's guide to evaluation
  • Clarifier ce qui sera évalué

    Une évaluation peut porter sur un projet, plusieurs projets, un programme, une politique, une stratégie, une organisation ou un réseau.
    Manager's guide to evaluation
  • Recognition of good practice

    Recognition of good practice can serve as a formal mechanism to acknowledge and celebrate outstanding achievements in the field of M&E, incentivising excellence and innovation among practitioners and organisations.
    National M&E Systems
  • About the Code of Conduct

    Culturally safe evaluation practice with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples
    Evaluation practice in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander settings
  • Good practice examples

    We are sharing some initial examples of good practice and aim to get many more from communities across Australia.
    Evaluation practice in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander settings
  • C4D: Identify primary intended users

    Intended users are the specifically identified people who will use the M&E findings; primary intended users are those whose needs the evaluation will particularly try to meet. Primary intended users have a desire, responsibility or role in doing...
    Communication for Development (C4D)
  • C4D: Combine qualitative and quantitative data

    M&E Frameworks and evaluation/study designs that include the collection both qualitative and quantitative data, are an important strategy for strong and balanced findings. It is important to plan in advance how the different types of data will be...
    Communication for Development (C4D)
  • Share benefits and apply two-way learning

    Community transformation principle: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples involved in, or affected by, evaluation should benefit from the evaluation project and not be disadvantaged by it.
    Evaluation practice in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander settings
  • Data systems and management

    Monitoring and evaluation systems depend on the availability of data.
    National M&E Systems
  • C4D: Develop reporting media

    Research, monitoring and evaluation reports can be in different formats and be shared using different media. Working with different groups, users or stakeholders (see Identify reporting requirements) determine the best format for the reports.
    Communication for Development (C4D)
  • C4D: Define ethical and quality evaluation standards for R,M&E

    It is important to be agree on and be clear about what both the quality standards are for the R,M&E (issues such as rigor, contextuality, gender sensitivity, impartiality and other criteria about the quality of R,M&E), and what the ethical...
    Communication for Development (C4D)
  • Rainbow Framework

    The Rainbow Framework organises these methods and processes in terms of the tasks that are often undertaken in M&E.
    Rainbow Framework
  • Manage an evaluation or evaluation system

    Decide how the evaluation or the M&E system will be managed, including clarifying stakeholders, roles and decision making processes, and ensure processes for these are transparent and well-managed.
    Rainbow Framework
  • Ethical protocol acknowledgement

    Acknowledgements The Ethical Protocol was written in 2019 by a collaborative Working Group including: Belinda Gibb & Sharon Babyack (Indigenous Community Volunteers), Donna Stephens (Menzies School of Health Research), Kate Kelleher (Kate
    Evaluation practice in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander settings
  • Use measures, indicators or metrics

    Choose or develop measures, indicators or metrics of interest, such as performance, activities or context. (This is useful for many evaluations but in some cases rubrics which synthesise qualitative information will be more valid).
    Rainbow Framework
  • Select an evaluator / evaluation team

    A transparent selection process uses explicit criteria and involves more than one person (often a panel or committee) to discuss and agree on the selection.
    Manager's guide to evaluation
  • Choisir un évaluateur ou une équipe d’évaluation

    Un processus de sélection transparent utilise des critères explicites et fait participer plus d’une personne (souvent un groupe ou un comité) afin de discuter et de s’entendre sur...
    Manager's guide to evaluation
  • Data sovereignty

    Data sovereignty is the right of Indigenous Peoples to exercise ownership over Indigenous Data which can be expressed through the creation, collection, access, analysis, interpretation, management, dissemination and reuse of Indigenous Data.
    Evaluation practice in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander settings
  • Key actors in national M&E systems

    There are a number of key actors within a national M&E system who influence the supply and demand for M&E evidence and the enabling environment.
    National M&E Systems
  • Interventions and tools for M&E capacity strengthening

    Interventions to strengthen M&E capacity can start with comprehensive diagnostics to understand existing capacities and identify gaps.
    National M&E Systems
  • Legal and policy basis for M&E systems

    The legal and policy basis refers to the formal legislative and policy frameworks that underpin the establishment, operation, and integration of M&E practices within government processes.
    National M&E Systems
  • Individual capacity

    Individuals' skills, knowledge, experience and attitudes are important in national M&E systems.
    National M&E Systems
  • Building a career in evaluation

    Whether you are just starting out or looking to advance your career in the field of evaluation, this guide is designed to support you on your journey.
    Evaluation career guide
  • Analyse data

    Decide how to analyse the data that have been collected or retrieved in order to answer the Key Evaluation Questions.
    Rainbow Framework
  • Develop a design for the evaluation

    An evaluation design sets out how data will be collected and analysed in terms of the methods used and the research design.
    Rainbow Framework
  • Understand the situation

    A situation analysis examines the current situation and the factors contributing to it. This might include identification and analysis of needs, resources, strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats, and/or power analysis.
    Rainbow Framework
  • Decide who will conduct the evaluation

    Clarify who will actually undertake the evaluation. This might include people who are involved in what is being evaluated (such as implementers, clients and community members), an internal or external evaluator, or some combination of these.
    Rainbow Framework
  • Identify potential unintended results

    It is useful and ethical to consider possible negative impacts (that make things worse not better) and how they can be identified before an intervention (project, programme, or policy) is implemented and addressed in an evaluation or M&E System.
    Rainbow Framework
  • Determine what constitutes high quality evaluation

    For any evaluation, there needs to be clarity about what will be considered a quality and ethical evaluation.
    Rainbow Framework