
700 results

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  • The community radio continuous improvement toolkit

    This toolkit is a part of a self-review mechanism, developed in the context of Community Radio (CR) in India. It allows CR stations to periodically assess themselves on their performance.
  • Update August 2012

    … by email but will be using this blog from now on. Please do check back here frequently as we'll be posting regular …
  • 7 ways to strengthen your M&E capacity in 2020

    … present 7 ways that might be useful when planning how to do evaluation better in 2020. 1. Team up with your peers   …
  • Evaluating C4D Resource Hub: Launch at the Social and Behaviour Change Summit

    … to the C4D Hub. If you are attending the Summit, please do drop by Booth 48 and say hello. Further information: The …
  • Making rigorous causal claims in a real-life context: Has research contributed to sustainable forest management?

    This article discusses an impact evaluation that examined the contribution of two forestry research centres - the Centre for International Forestry Research (CIFOR) and the Centre de Coopération Internationale en Recherche Agronomique pour
  • Learning to Make All Voices Count - Leveraging Complexity-Aware MEL to Pursue Change in Complex Systems

    … the role that MEL systems might play in such efforts, and do so in an easily intelligible, engaging way. … Learning to …
  • Developmental evaluation

    … interventions and innovations are those in which what to do to solve problems is uncertain and key stakeholders are in …
  • Using logic models and theories of change better in evaluation

    … having a theory. This blog addresses this issue.   How do I choose a suitable theory of change? … arrows between activities and outcomes/impacts. So how do you choose which change theory to use?   Having an …
  • Five considerations for national evaluation agendas informed by the SDGs

    … yet the Agenda gives little explicit guidance on how to do this. However, there is a perspective on development that …
  • 2017 International realist conference

    … just thinking about what the intervention is supposed to do, realist design builds in and extends thinking through how …
  • Biodiversity and the economic response to COVID-19: Ensuring a green and resilient recovery

    This policy brief “outlines how biodiversity loss is a key driver of emerging infectious diseases and poses a variety of other growing risks to businesses, society and the global economy.
  • Positive deviance

    A strengths-based approach to learning and improvement that involves intended evaluation users in identifying ‘outliers’ – those with exceptionally good outcomes - and understanding how they have achieved these.
  • Select an evaluator / evaluation team

    … listed in the proposal the people who will actually do the work? Is the team known to your agency? Business …
    Manager's guide to evaluation
  • Empowerment evaluation

    … This role relationship suggests that what professionals do will depend on the particular place and people with whom … and discussing programmatic activities it is important to do something about the findings.  It is time to plan for the … to respond to identified problems or concerns.  They do not have to complete the task.  However, they are …
  • BetterMonitoring draft framework - September 2021

    … will seek to answer? How can these be developed? How do they relate to evaluation questions? Are they sensitive to … monitoring information at different levels and scales Do you need to synthesise data across multiple interventions, …
  • What are some processes that can be used to get agreement on the Key Evaluation Questions?

    … front of an audience. There are different ways to do this - you might create a private forum or email … read our  Utilization-Focused Evaluation  approach page. Do you have any other ideas on how to get agreement on KEQs? …
  • Consider important aspects of the evaluation

    … design in terms of evaluative questions Many evaluations do not make explicit how evaluative questions will be … the design in terms of causal questions Many evaluations do not make clear how causal questions will be answered.  …
    Manager's guide to evaluation
  • Knowing the place

    … districts; strategies find their application at places, as do policies, often through programs. A place is where the … if place is more than just the intervention setting, how do we explore and understand place when conducting an … ways that human and natural systems couple and how what we do in human systems affects both human and natural systems. …
  • EVAC Assessment

    … be required.   realistic:  the amount of time it took to do the assessment was longer than estimated. Although it was …
  • Potent Presentations Initiative resources (various)

    … all have room for improvement.  These materials help us to do that.  p2i has very practical resources to improve the …
  • Success case method

    … and you have identified your program activities but you do not know the causal pathway from activities to impact. …
  • Consulting on the “Big 5” evaluation criteria - What got us here? [x-post from the IEG's #WhatWorks blog]

    In this post, Caroline Heider (Director General and Senior Vice President, Evaluation, World Bank Group) reflects on the motivations behind her 2017 Rethinking Evaluation blog series.
  • Privacy Policy

    … on you from other sources. Information We Share We do not sell or otherwise disclose personal data collected as …
  • How to talk about climate change

    This collection of resources - toolkit, short guide and cheat sheet - sets out the challenges of talking about climate change and presents effective strategies to address them.
  • Propensity scores

    … program’s impact can be measured. By comparing units that do not participate in a program, but otherwise share the same …
  • Value for money

    … a program is beneficial in an absolute sense. That is ‘do the benefits outweigh the costs?’. To make this …
  • Evaluation work plan

    … / may not be included in their responsibilities); Who will do which tasks and when in the evaluation implementation; …
    Manager's guide to evaluation
  • C4D: Investigate causal attribution and contribution

    … don’t necessarily take more time and resources, but they do depend on a number of practical factors including: upfront …
    Communication for Development (C4D)
  • Evaluations made in Portuguese: the Lusophone space

    … with varying degrees in different countries, have to do with weak technical capacity, a reactive institutional … own “language” and practice. High-quality evaluations do not abound and are commissioned and managed more often by …
  • Adapting evaluation in the time of COVID-19 – Part 4: Describe

    … findings to other cases and sites.  In order to do this, it is important to understand any contextual factors …
  • Week 13: Producing engaging and accessible evaluation reports

    … any data visualization ideas? I have never done this nor do I have funds to buy any software.  As I have to submit the … to complement a written report Don't rely on the report to do all the work. Ensure you create some event where you can …
  • Monitoring

    … as planned? Are we achieving the expected results? Do we need to make adjustments? Further reading on … them. Challenges and pitfalls Monitoring is difficult to do well. Some of the common challenges and pitfalls include … outcomes Many M&E systems focus on outcomes that do not reflect the true intent of the intervention. One …