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  • Other relevant legislation

    … in one single document. Some countries, such as the UK, do not have a single document but draw their constitutional … refers to M&E . … Relevant laws and constitutions that do not refer to M&E … Other relevant legislation …
  • Análise de contribuição

    … reais. Nota: Esta página não contém a versão mais recente do conteúdo. Por favor, consulte a versão em inglês para o … resultados observados, através de uma maior compreensão do porquê os resultados observados ocorreram (ou não!) e os … sim fornece evidências e uma linha de raciocínio a partir do qual podemos tirar uma conclusão plausível que, com um …
  • Mirada colectiva a indicadores y estrategias exitosas: Guía de consulta para organizaciones sin fines de lucro que trabajan temas de educación y desarrollo económico

    … or proposal requirements, designed not to copy what others do, but to contribute to their creativity and excellence. Why …
  • Evaluating Human Capital Projects

    … capital projects.  Its central theme is that organisations do not always value 'softer' investment in people as highly … business contexts. Contents  Introduction: Why and what do we Need to Improve? Planning the Investment for Impact Outcomes Who Needs to do what/to what Standard? Know what, know how, Confidence …
  • ORID and strategic questioning

    … concepts involved in ORID and provides examples of what to do and what not to do when using strategic questioning. ORID This table is taken … p. 3): Objective Facts e.g. What did the speaker say or do? Reflective Reaction e.g. Where have you seen something …
  • Integrated monitoring: A practical manual for organisations that want to achieve results

    … I. KEY ASPECTS OF MONITORING 1. What is Monitoring? 2. Why Do We Monitor and For Whom? 3. Who is Involved? 4. How Does it Work? 5. When Do We Monitor? 5. What Do We Monitor? 5.1 Monitoring What We Do, Versus What We …
  • Action and reflection: a guide for monitoring and evaluating participatory research

    … monitoring and evaluation. These questions are: - WHY do we monitor and evaluate participatory research? (Chapter … will we monitor and evaluate? (Chapter 6) - HOW will we do it? (Chapter 7)." (McAllister & Vernooy, 2005) Contents … on the results of participatory research  2.  WHY do we monitor and evaluate? 2.1 Objectives  2.2  Efficiency, …
  • UNICEF webinar: Overview: strategies for causal inference

    … What is causal attribution? Do you need a counterfactual to determine if something has … Q&A Can you tell us a bit more about natural experiments ? Do they typically include a before-after comparison or are … there cases where randomization is used? Is it possible to do a meta-evaluation of evaluations which used different …
  • User's Guide for SWOT Analysis

    … to conduct a SWOT analysis: role of the facilitator What do the results mean? How do we apply them? How do we interpret and apply SWOT? … User's Guide for SWOT …
  • Chart dos and don’ts

    … visualisation with clear examples to support it.  Contents Do use the full axis and avoid distortion Use consistent … look-up Rotate bar chart when category names are too long Do not use legend when you have only one data category Do use proper aspect ratio to minimize dramatic slopes …
  • The program manager's guide to evaluation

    … whether you hire an outside evaluator or decide to do one with assistance from inhouse  agency staff and … Evaluation? 6 Who Should Conduct Your Evaluation? 13 How Do You Hire And Manage An Outside Evaluator? 19 How Do You Prepare For An Evaluation? 29 What Should You Include …
  • How to geotag images

    … I decided to explore." Contents What is Geotagging? How do I Geotag an Image? What equipment do I need for Geotagging? What equipment did you use for Geotagging? How did you make it all work? What do I do with this additional information in my photograph? … …
  • Starting out on social return on investment (SROI)

    … have a pretty good idea of the costs of what they do. Annual accounts, management accounts, budget reports and … Some organisations are quite good at counting what they do with these resources. They can track the number of users … if they did not exist? What is the real value of what they do? Social Return on Investment sets out to redress the …
  • Convergent interviewing

    … to find exceptions.  'What's good about the planning you do?' Or 'Who is best at planning?' Or 'When do you plan well?' Sometimes they will disagree.  One may say … said planning is done well; some have disagreed'.  What do you think? Why do you think there are differences of …
  • Participant observation and field notes

    … situations as possible to look at what people actually do as well as what they say they do (as in interviews or documents) in their everyday lives. … us, will often say one thing about their behaviour, but do something different. This is a part of human nature. We …
  • Measuring outcomes in family support : Practitioners' guide

    … support services? Where does measuring outcomes fit? Why do we want to measure outcomes in family support? How, “in … are some of the paradoxes and dilemmas in practice? How do we respond? What is realistic? Who can do what? What tools are available on this site for family …
  • Mentoring for the new millennium

    … Parameters The Three Essential Core Requirements What do Mentors do? Learning Organizations Mentoring is wonderful, right? …
  • Reporting needs analysis template

    … key questions: Who needs to be updated? What decisions do they need to make? When do they need to make these decisions? What information do they need to make these decisions? What format do they …
  • AEA eStudy 045 - On-Demand access: Practical Regression Analysis for Evaluation

    … challenges we face when using this statistical tool: what do we do when our real-world data violates the theoretical … How can we deal with messy or missing data?  How do we communicate simply and clearly about complicated …
  • Mentoring matters

    … What Is Mentoring? Who Needs Mentoring? What Does a Mentor Do? What Does a Mentee Do? Features of a Good Mentoring Relationship How Is It …
  • UNICEF webinar: Comparative case studies

    … should they be complementary to regular evaluations? How do you ensure that case studies are representative for the population and not anomalies? How do you make sure to avoid bias in selecting the case studies? Do you think there is any scope for negotiating the …
  • Data quality standards for USAID and implementing partner m&e officers

    … Who is Responsible for USAID Information Quality? When Do USAID Data Quality Guidelines Apply? To What Kinds of Documents Do these Standards Apply? Be Systematic Validity Reliability …
  • Supporting good evaluation

    … cost? What should you ask external evaluators? What do you need to know to properly design an evaluation for this … will conduct the work and what other relevant experiences do they have? How and when will the findings from the … other direct, and indirect costs What should grantmakers do before commissioning an evaluation? Talk to a few trusted …
  • What does the investment return?

    … meaningful for most stakeholders. Contents Why did we do this experiment? What does LISAP do? How did we do this experiment? The investments and the returns How and …
  • How Feedback Loops Can Improve Aid (and Maybe Governance)

    … qualified to provide that information? What incentives do those people have to provide the information? What are the … and how will they get it? What specific actions do we want the recipients of the information to take? What incentives (carrot, stick, or both) and capacity do the recipients have to take action? And how will we know …
  • What are the implications/opportunities for development practice?

    … what experiences need to change? What experiences do you want to have? I want to be able to see something. I … to see something lucidly and quickly. I want to be able to do something different than I do it now." … What are the implications/opportunities for …
  • Sourcebook on results based management in the EU Structural Funds

    … in the best intentions and to the best of their ability to do what they think is meaningful at that time. Chapters three …
  • Point K Learning Center

    … encourages users in learning, collaborating and doing more do more by offering examples and tools for more effective and … Point K makes it easy for you to share your success. Do more. Point K provides custom tools to help you plan and …
  • Thematic coding

    … on? What are people doing? What is the person saying? What do these actions and statements take for granted? How do structure and context serve to support, maintain, impede …
  • Synthesise data across evaluations

    … rather than about a single case – questions such as “Do these types of interventions work?” or “For whom, in what ways and under what circumstances do they work?” The task involves locating the evidence (often …
    Rainbow Framework
  • Bigger, better data and resilience: what’s the link?

    … first question at the morning salon was: What precisely do we mean by the term ‘big data’? Participants and lead … into meaning.’" (Raftree, 2014) Contents What the heck do we mean by ‘big data’? How can big data support … Should we all jump on the data bandwagon? What can we do to move forward? … Bigger, better data and resilience: …
  • UNICEF webinar: Overview of data collection and analysis methods in Impact Evaluation

    … Q&A at the end of the webinar have been included.   Q&A Do you have advice for involving stakeholders from the … thumb for the appropriate response rate to surveys ? As in do we need a 70% response rate of total population size to … expressed in the webinars are those of the presenters and do not necessarily reflect the policies or views of the …