International Training Program in Development Evaluation (PIFED)

Activity Type

Objective(s): provide participants with foundational knowledge and skills in the field of evaluation in a development context; train participants on the general principles and contexts as well as current challenges related to evaluation; develop participants' understanding and knowledge of evaluation concepts, approaches and methodologies; provide participants with an opportunity to acquire practical experience and skills in the field of evaluation planning and implementation through practical case studies; train participants to run and manage the evaluation process and tasks; and raise awareness on the importance of using evaluation results in decision-making and improving the effectiveness and performance of public/development interventions.

Module 1. Current Challenges and Trends in Development Evaluation
Module 2. Intervention Modeling and Theory of Change
Module 3. Evaluation Approaches
Module 4. Evaluation Matrix and Questions
Module 5. Measuring Outcomes
Module 6. Selecting and Developing Data Collection Methods, Tools and Conducting Analysis
Module 7. Evaluation Management, Ethical Principles and Standards
Module 8. Communicating Results to Enhance their Use

60 hours
1 per year
GEI Partner
Mode of Delivery
Target Audience
Evaluators, development practitioners, programme managers, government officials