
139 results

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  • Outcome Mapping

    Outcome Mapping is an approach that helps unpack an initiative’s theory of change and provides a framework to collect data on the immediate, basic changes that lead to longer, more transformative change. This allows for the plausible assessment of the…
  • Most significant change

    The Most Significant Change (MSC) approach involves generating and analysing personal accounts of change and deciding which is the most significant – and why.
  • Causal Pathways 2023 Symposium and 2024 introductory sessions

    This series of webinars was first presented at the Causal Pathways Symposium 2023, which focused on "connecting, learning, and building a shared understanding of the evaluation and participatory practices that make causal pathways more visible"
  • Iterative design and monitoring for adaptive management: How causal link monitoring can help

    Development actors are embracing the concept and practice of adaptive management, using evidence to inform ongoing revisions throughout implementation.
  • Review evaluation quality

    Evaluating the quality of an evaluation can be done before it begins (reviewing the plan) or during or after the evaluation (reviewing the evaluation products or processes). This is sometimes called a quality review or meta-evaluation.
    Rainbow Framework
  • Qualitative comparative analysis

    Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA) is an evaluation approach that supports causal reasoning by examining how different conditions contribute to an outcome.
  • Common good and equity

    Consideration of common good and equity involves an evaluation going beyond using only the values of evaluation stakeholders to develop an evaluative framework to also consider common good and equity more broadly.
  • Rigour

    Rigour involves using systematic, transparent processes to produce valid findings and conclusions. There are significant differences in what this is understood to mean in evaluation.
  • Credibility

    Credibility refers to the trustworthiness of the evaluation findings, achieved through high-quality evaluation processes, especially rigour, integrity, competence, inclusion of diverse perspectives, and stakeholder engagement.
  • The art and craft of bricolage in evaluation

    This CDI Practice Paper, by Tom Aston and Marina Apgar, makes the case for ‘bricolage’ in complexity-aware and qualitative evaluation methods.
  • Bricolage evaluation design

    A bricolage evaluation design flexibly combines and adapts various data collection and analysis methods, approaches, and conceptual and value frameworks to suit the specific context of the evaluation.