
  • Building a strong network

    Your network can help you access relevant information, create connections, and learn about job opportunities.
    Evaluation career guide
  • Developing your job searching skills

    Just as practising evaluation requires specific skills, so does searching and securing jobs. Key skills that you will need to advance your career include:
    Evaluation career guide
  • Sharing your work and experience

    Sharing your work and expertise with others in the evaluation community will help you expand your network and build your reputation as a competent evaluator.
    Evaluation career guide
  • Leveraging mentorship

    Mentors can play a vital role in shaping your career, offering personalised guidance, skill development, and valuable networking opportunities that can accelerate your growth as an evaluator.
    Evaluation career guide
  • Developing your consulting practice

    Starting your own consulting practice in evaluation can be a rewarding but challenging career path.
    Evaluation career guide
  • Why work in evaluation

    A career in evaluation allows you to make a difference in the world’s most pressing challenges.
    Evaluation career guide
  • Education, training, and learning events

    Building your skills in evaluation can take many forms, from formal academic programs to more flexible training sessions and workshops and conferences.
    Evaluation career guide
  • Self-directed learning

    There are many ways to support learning that don't involve formal courses.
    Evaluation career guide
  • Navigating the starting points

    With the variety of roles, types of organizations, and sectors where evaluation is used, it is no wonder that people come into the field of evaluation through different entry points!
    Evaluation career guide
  • The evaluation eco-system

    There are many different types of organisations, individuals, and systems involved in the practice and use of evaluation.
    Evaluation career guide