Introduction to environmental evaluation approaches and tools

Activity Type

This course is a self-paced online training designed to provide foundational frameworks and tools for evaluating the environmental dimensions of a development intervention. With the increasing global awareness on how social and economic issues are interrelated with environmental issues, this course aims to fill the gap in knowledge and skills on how to integrate environmental considerations in evaluations of development interventions.

This course distills the key approaches and tools we have developed, particularly for evaluating the environmental dimensions of development interventions. The course consists of five modules:

  • Module 1 provides a background on why it is important to integrate environmental concerns in evaluations of development interventions.
  • Module 2 introduces the use of a systems approach to developing or expanding an intervention’s theory of change.
  • Module 3 introduces the benefits of using geospatial approaches in evaluating environmental concerns.
  • Module 4 gives examples of how geospatial approaches can be combined with more common quantitative and qualitative evaluation approaches.
  • Module 5 provides tools to assess the likelihood of long-term impact occurring, such as through indicators of transformational change.

This course was developed by the Independent Evaluation Office of the Global Environment Facility (GEF IEO). Celebrating their 20th year in 2023, they are the longest-running independent evaluation office focused exclusively on evaluating environment-related topics. This course draws on their 20 years of evaluation experience.

4 hours
GEI Partner
Mode of Delivery