
1327 results

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  • Certificate in Nonprofit Program Measurement

    … In addition, develop skills for collecting and analyzing data to solve problems, assist in strategic decision-making, …
    Academic Program
  • Week 14: New to evaluation? Here's what you need to read

    … steps 5, 6 and 7 of this guide focus on choosing data collection methods, collecting data and analysing and interpreting the data. These three had …
  • Deep dive into different roles

    … settings. My role involves reviewing project reports and data to prepare for evaluation planning and implementation. I … choose the right sampling methodologies, and develop data collection tools. Once the data is collected, I’m …
    Evaluation career guide
  • Acinonyx cervidae hircus: Child-led evaluation of the Building Skills for Life programme in Cambodia

    … to select evaluation questions, collect and analyse data in order to evaluate this multi-thematic programme’s … the programme. The report also presents some practical data collection tools that are particularly suited to children and …
  • 52 weeks of BetterEvaluation: Week 31: A series on mixed methods in evaluation

    … they do is supplement a qualitative survey with interview data.  Mixed methods are very much in the lime-light at the … without options for combining quantitative and qualitative data .  To get us going on this topic I wanted to ask: what … other) at all stages of the evaluation (not just in data collection) for a design to be called mixed method. Howard …
  • Rainbow framework: Brief overview

    … and standards to be used. Describe - Collect and retrieve data to answer descriptive questions about the activities of … been implemented. Understand Causes - Collect and analyse data to answer causal questions about what has produced … and impacts that have been observed. Synthesise - Combine data to form an overall assessment of the merit or worth of …
  • Evaluation Methods

    … be used for specific tasks in evaluation (like collecting data or creating reporting materials), please visit the …
  • Define what is to be evaluated

    … the ' Manage ' cluster of tasks guide choices about what data to collect in the ' Describe ' cluster of tasks inform …
    Rainbow Framework
  • 52 weeks of BetterEvaluation: Week 21: Framing the evaluation

    … in planning an evaluation? Going straight to deciding data collection methods. Before you choose data collection methods, you need a good understanding of why …
  • Quality assurance for monitoring systems

    … establishing processes and standards that govern the collection, analysis, and reporting of data. These processes are often embedded in the operational …
  • Develop planning documents for the evaluation or M&E system

    … for the evaluation; the key evaluation questions; and how data will be collected, analyzed, synthesized and reported. … impact evaluation). This can include guidance on data sources and management processes, as well as an overall …
    Rainbow Framework
  • Children in crisis: Good practices in evaluating psychosocial programming

    … and Defining Objectives and Indicators Identifying Data Sources and Methods of Data Collection Project Impact Evaluation Designing a Psychosocial …
  • Certificate in Assessment and Evaluation Methods

    … used to gauge student learning. Coursework will explore data collection methods, enable improved interpretations and …
    Academic Program
  • Evaluation Competencies for Evaluation Specialists

    … Evaluation Planning  Evaluation Designs  Evaluation Data Collection and Analysis Methods  Evaluation Report …
  • Policies, strategies and plans

    … These documents can provide a structured approach to data collection, analysis, and reporting, ensuring that M&E is …
    National M&E Systems
  • 5: Measurement and outcomes

    … outcomes III. Key Hypotheses and Chain of Causality IV. Data collection, management and entry … 5: Measurement and outcomes …
  • Research for Impact Fellowship (RFI)

    … training on implementing an evaluation, course on primary data collection covering a range of topics related to measurement …
    GEI Training and Professional Development
  • Key competencies for the monitoring function

    … monitoring. It includes the technical skills required for data collection, analysis and synthesis that are commonly …
  • Evaluation design

    … An evaluation design describes how data will be collected and analysed to answer the Key … impacts are evident or barriers to collecting accurate data.   The nature of the evaluation In particular the types … and constraints Resources including money, existing data, expertise, technical equipment. Constraints including …
    Manager's guide to evaluation
  • Impartiality

    … cultural background, or preconceptions. Collecting data in a neutral and fair manner, ensuring all relevant … heard, not just service users. Analysing and interpreting data based on evidence rather than personal or political … of reference (see transparency ) Ensuring reliable data collection and analysis methods (see validity , rigour and …
  • Steps - Steps to transforming evaluation practice for social change

    … Defining the Problem Your Objectives Your Indicators Data You Need Collecting Data Analyzing Data Using Findings Contents 8 eLearning Modules Appendix …
  • HIV/AIDS targeted interventions: Participatory monitoring and evaluation framework

    … includes the major monitoring questions and indicators, data collection options and formats, a plan for compiling and reporting the data, and suggested ways for disseminating and using the …
  • Constituent voice: Technical note 1

    … & independently collected vs. self-collected 15 Bi-modal data collection: light and heavy 17 Stage 3 • Analyze 20 Segment …
  • Master (Blended Learning) of Evaluation (MABLE)

    … an Evaluation - Module III: Evaluation Design - Module IV: Data Collection Methods in the Field of Evaluation - Module V: … Economic Evaluation and Organizational M&E - Module VII: Data Analysis Methods in the Field of Evaluation - Module …
    GEI Training and Professional Development
  • GIS for disaster recovery

    … in tents in the heart of the catastrophe, HIC collected data from the Indonesian government, nongovernment … ESRI, UN HIC delivered this information, including GIS data and maps, to the responding humanitarian community, …
  • AEA365: Laurie Stevahn and Jean King on Essential Competencies for Effective Qualitative Evaluators

    … with questions that require answers from qualitative data. They need technical methodological expertise related to collecting, recording, and analyzing qualitative data." … AEA365: Laurie Stevahn and Jean King on Essential …
  • Time series analysis

    … A time series is a collection of observations of well-defined data items obtained through repeated measurements over time. … these goals require that a pattern of observed time series data is identified and more or less formally described. Time …
  • Doctorate in Organizational Leadership, Policy,and Development, with emphasis in Evaluation Studies

    … will sharpen their skills in designing evaluation studies, data collection, data analysis, and how to effectively communicate results to …
    Academic Program
  • Social impact metrics

    … Key features The four e-books cover Groundwork, Metrics, Data and Communication. The series is designed to be … Measure what matters Standard metrics alignment Metrics data pipeline + tools VOL 3 DATA – enhance data capacity Data … Useful for people new to evaluation who are planning data collection, analysis and communication strategies. Why would …
  • National capacity strengthening plans

    … framework to support M&E activities better, improving data collection and management infrastructure, and ensuring the …
  • Bridging the gap: The role of monitoring and evaluation in evidence-based policy making

    … studies and research Part 3: The strategic intent of data collection and dissemination … Bridging the gap: The role of …
  • Understand and engage stakeholders

    … framing of key evaluation questions facilitating quality data collection helping to make sense of the data that has been collected increasing the utilization of …
    Rainbow Framework