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  • Terms of reference

    … A Terms of Reference (ToR) document provides an important overview of what is expected in an evaluation. Developing a well-specified Terms of Reference (ToR) is a vital step in managing a high-quality …
  • Social mapping

    … factors. It works to determine a relative ranking of socio-economic status of the household rather than an absolute ranking. It can help … to which household is better or worse off in terms of the selected indicators. This method therefore results in …
  • Interviews

    … Individuals see: For Interviews with Groups see: Types of interviews There are many different types of interview approaches and techniques, Generally speaking, all interviews fall into one of three categories:  structured ,  semi-structured , and  …
  • Internet questionnaire

    … An internet questionnaire allows the collection of data through an electronic set of questions that are posted on the web.  Participants are … be used to provide more detailed responses. Advantages of internet questionnaires The elimination of postage, paper …
  • Community

    … Become part of a community that values constructive discussion about … about how to do evaluation well. There are a number of ways you can get involved Become a BetterEvaluation member …
  • Evaluation standards for Latin America and the Caribbean

    … and the Caribbean were developed by a working group of the Latin American and Caribbean Network for Monitoring, … The evaluation standards include both the common core of evaluation standards from other evaluation associations … and the Caribbean. They were developed through a process of broad consultation. This resource and the following …
  • Strengths-based recognition of cultures, acknowledging communities and individuals

    … for their work to be used in this way. □ Draft a copy of the attribution to check with the community member(s) to … Application □ Strengths-based works are key elements of creating meaningful change. In a strengths-based approach, … □ Building on strengths-based practices is a key element of creating positive images of Aboriginal and or Torres …
    Evaluation practice in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander settings
  • Facilitate control and data sovereignty

    … Islander communities have the right to exercise control of the data ecosystem relating to them. This includes … Islander communities retain the right to decide which sets of data require active governance and maintain the right to … interests.  Respect principle Respect the custodianship of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and …
    Evaluation practice in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander settings
  • About the Ethical Protocol: Ethical evaluation practice in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander settings

    … based on our experience with using it for the continuation of the BetterEvaluation project and informed by the … you have used this Ethical Protocol in your work Purpose of the Ethical Protocol To promote the full implementation of ethical principles when engaging in monitoring and …
    Evaluation practice in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander settings
  • Supporting the use of M&E evidence

    … Supporting the use of M&E in a national M&E system means actively facilitating and encouraging the application of monitoring and evaluation findings to inform policy … into tangible actions and reforms. Supporting the use of M&E can manifest in various forms, such as providing clear …
    National M&E Systems
  • C4D Hub: Analyse each key evaluation question

    … key questions for R,M&E there are often different types of smaller questions. Main types of questions Descriptive questions Asking what is the … that have been observed. Answer by one or a combination of the methods for: Evaluative questions Asking about whether …
    Communication for Development (C4D)
  • Reporting style guide template

    … Eval Academy by Three Hive Consulting Key features of this style guide template This style guide template is … professional, this template facilitates the creation of polished and cohesive project documentation, promoting … styles, enhancing the overall professionalism and clarity of evaluation materials. The predefined formats and …
  • Evaluation status update template

    … designed to keep stakeholders informed about the progress of an evaluation project. This resource and the following … Eval Academy by Three Hive Consulting Inc. Key features of this status update template The resource is a status … designed to keep stakeholders informed about the progress of an evaluation project. It includes sections for executive …
  • Multiple lines and levels of evidence

    … Multiple lines and levels of evidence (MLLE) is a systematic approach to causal … inference that involves bringing together different types of evidence (lines of evidence) and considering the strength of the evidence in …
  • Causal pathways

    … It is used to understand the interconnected chains of causal links that lead to a range of outcomes and impacts. These causal pathways are likely to … perspective on evaluation, which can draw on a combination of existing evaluation approaches, processes and methods. It …
  • 52 weeks of BetterEvaluation: Week 10: Having a theory in the theory of change

    … There is increasing recognition that a theory of change can be useful when planning an evaluation. A theory of change is an explanation of how activities are understood to contribute to a series of
  • Week 46: Rumination #2: Confusing empathy with bias

    … independent. Don’t get emotional. Feelings are the enemy of rationality and objectivity. Emotions and feelings lead to caring—and caring is a primary source of bias. Stay distant and unfeeling. Caring emerges from connecting to people, an empathic sense of interdependence rather than independence. So avoid …
  • Contribution analysis in policy work: Assessing advocacy’s influence

    … and their affiliation Robin Kane, Principal/Founder of RK Evaluation & Strategies Carlisle Levine, President and CEO of BLE Solutions Carlyn Orians, Director of Evaluation, ORS Impact Claire Reinelt, Independent …
  • Theory maker

    … tool was made by Steve Powell as a quick and simple way of creating a theory of change. The information provided was supplied by Steve … research, Sarajevo, Bosnia & Herzegovina Key features of Theory maker Theory Maker is a free web app for making …
  • Gender and evaluation international online community of practice

    … under one place, and to share the content and experiences of people involved in the network. The community was launched by the Indian Institute of Social Studies Trust (ISST) in 2013 under the 'Engendering … their affiliation Moderator: Rituu B Nanda Key features of the Gender Evaluation Community of Practice The Gender …
  • Colorlab

    … information were contributed by Max Graham. Key features of Colorlab Colour palette generator : User can generate and … for gradient. Colour range maker : User can create a range of colour, with different tints & shade of a colour. Contrast checker : User can check the contrast …
  • Ethical Protocol

    … This Ethical Protocol contains a set of ethical principles to hear and privilege the voice of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples in … contexts, evaluation methods and approaches. Application of the principles demonstrates rigour and is essential for …
    Evaluation practice in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander settings
  • Self-directed learning

    … structures to support peer learning, such as communities of practice, dialogues, learning circles, reflective … with more experienced team members. Here are some examples of other ways of developing your skills:  Self-paced or … plays an increasingly important role in meeting training needs in evaluation. You can find multiple courses, videos, …
    Evaluation career guide
  • AEA eStudy 048: Empowerment Evaluation - David Fetterman

    … Key concepts include:  a critical friend, cycles of reflection and action, and a community of learners.  Principles guiding the approach include: … building, social justice, and accountability.  The basic steps of empowerment evaluation include:  1) …
  • BetterEvaluation community's views on the difference between evaluation and research

    … In May we blogged about ways of framing the difference between research and evaluation. We … the diagrams.  Many people found it most useful to think of evaluation as a subset of research -  evaluation always … types of research which are not evaluation. For example, basic research which seeks to understand how things are or …
  • Use of administrative data for the COVID-19 response

    … This blog introduces a video of a panel session describing how administrative data – … response to the COVID 19 pandemic. The session was part of the MERL Tech and CLEAR-Anglophone Africa series for … and Planning, Kenya; Stephen Taylor, Department of Basic Education, South Africa; and Andrea Fletcher, …
  • Evaluating capacity development

    … Instead, capacity development supports a diverse set of goals in different sectors, at different levels, through … development and evaluation are: Differing interpretations of what ‘capacity’ means - capacity of whom to do what and whether it is ‘adaptive capacity,’ …
  • Gender injustice and inequality: what helps in assessing impact?

    … and gender-responsive evaluations. The launch is part of the Global Evaluation Week in Kathmandu to celebrate the International Year of Evaluation. The UN has recently released its online … for all interventions because it provides much-needed basic information as to an intervention’s ‘reach’. However, …
  • Planning and managing evaluations of development research

    … has been prepared for those commissioning evaluations of development research projects and programming. … for making sure it happens and is well-honed to the needs of those who will use the evaluation. It is a … and carried out by a program in accordance with its needs. Program-led evaluations often focus in on burning …
  • Environmental approach for generational impact

    … evaluating programmes in a way that includes consideration of environment and biodiversity issues. This resource and the … evaluating programmes in a way that includes consideration of environment and biodiversity issues. While it draws on … or programme design. The paper includes a worked example of what the approach might look like in practice. The paper …
  • Center for Lobbying in the Public Interest (CLPI)

    … Founded in 1998 as a project of the Independent Sector, the  Center for Lobbying in the … in order to create systemic change on the critical issues of our day. It also provides various resources to help improve the advocacy impact of non-profit organisations through lobbying.  The CLPI …
  • Overview of impact evaluation

    … paper, written by Patricia Rogers for UNICEF, outlines the basic ideas and principles of impact evaluation. It includes a discussion of the different elements and options for the different …