
1273 results

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  • 52 weeks of BetterEvaluation: Week 3: Q & A about drawing logic models

    … This week on BetterEvaluation we're presenting Questions and Answers … Instead she showed how useful it can be to focus on teasing out the different possible causal paths between … in the process. Sticky notes  can be easily moved around on a flip chart page or a wall.  At the end of the meeting, …
  • Measurable gains framework in the Maori education strategy

    This webpage provides 13 separate rubrics developed for different aspects of the Measurable Gains Framework in the Maori Education Strategy.
  • Measuring fragility: indicators and methods for rating state performance

    This document, from USAID, provides recommendations for the development and implementation of performance and outcome indicators to measure state performance to correspond to USAID's Fragile States Strategy.
  • Master's degree in Education with a specialty in Educational Research

    … of instruments for data collection. INEVA draws on local and international students, who come from various … backgrounds. Students have the opportunity to collaborate on research, evaluations, and publications conducted by the …
    Academic Program
  • 8: Analyzing data

    … to deal with “problems” of non-compliance, choosing what effects to report in your study, as well as achieving e … I. Intention To Treat (ITT) and effect of Treatment On the Treated (TOT) II. Choice of Outcomes and Covariates …
  • Modus operandi

    … Interventions create distinctive/characteristic patterns of effects. Scriven describes the modus operandi as a set of … when the cause is effective." An evaluator can draw on the previous experience of participants and stakeholders to determine what constellation or pattern of effects is typical for an initiative. The evaluator can build …
  • Headings as summary statements

    Headings are extremely important to the readability of reports and documents.
  • Most significant change

    … are discussed by level one selection groups who decide on the most significant story in each domain. The selected … a smaller number of level two selection groups who decide on the most significant story. This process is continued a … each domain. The number of selection groups will depend on the scale of the program and often on the number of layers …
  • Master in Evaluation of Public Policies

    This program aims to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of the challenges and practices of public action.
    Academic Program
  • Specialized Master in Economics and Evaluation of Public Policies

    … outlined in the 2011 constitution and its emphasis on good governance, the program seeks to enhance and …
    Academic Program
  • The Triviality of Measuring Ultimate Outcomes: Acknowledging the Span of Direct Influence

    … that instead of using household surveys to assess the effects of programs the focus should be on detailed measurement of more immediate outcomes through … general, donor agencies prefer precise measurements of net effects in relation to the Millennium Development Goals …
  • Feasibility

    … of evaluation standards produced by the Joint Committee on Educational Standards: " Feasibility Standards The …
  • The Survey Kit

    … The Survey Kit provides detailed guidance and advice on developing surveys with specific sections on different methods such as as interviews, focus groups, … analysis, and content analysis. It also provides details on the use of checklists, warnings of things to avoid …
  • Terms of Use

    … through the Interactive Tools that may be available on this Site. Some Interactive Tools and other applications … of Investment Disputes). Disclaimers, Limitations on Warranties and Representations, and Waivers. 3. The IEG … or impressions with respect to any Content or advertising on the Site. The IEG does not ensure that User Information …
  • Master in Monitoring and Evaluation in Educational SystemsMaster in

    The program aims to train students for careers in the evaluation, management, monitoring, and administration of education and training systems.
    Academic Program
  • Comprehensive meta-analysis (CMA)

    Comprehensive meta-analysis (CMA) is a software package that can be used to conduct a meta-analysis simply and effectively.
  • Realist evaluation

    … influences these. Overview Realist evaluation focuses on answering the question: “What works, for whom, in what … can put their new learning into practice will depend on a range of factors – perhaps the time they have available, … describes how the intervention is expected to lead to its effects and in which conditions it should do so. The initial …
  • What Works to Prevent Urban Violence Among Proven Risk Young Men?

    … and in the context of this report are discussed on page 33. Extract "The evaluation team used a Rapid …
  • Understand causes of outcomes and impacts

    … but understanding why.    Impact evaluation, which focuses on understanding the long-term results from interventions …
    Rainbow Framework
  • Emphasis techniques

    A key to creating effective and accessible reporting documents is using effective techniques to emphasise important information.
  • Evaluation of NGO partnerships aimed at capacity development

    … CD of their partners. It also looks for indications of the effects and impact of CD and the advantages this has brought … the final beneficiaries. The evaluation focuses strongly on the learning aspect of this subject, which has been the …
  • Confirmatory Program Evaluation: A Method for Strengthening Causal Inference

    … This paper focusses on the analysis of current issues in theory driven evlauation … with quantitative analytical techniques, to assess the effects of social and educational programs. In contrast to … mechanisms or active ingredients of programs that yield effects. An illustration of confirmatory program evaluation …
  • Master in Human and Social Sciences, with concentration in Evaluation of Public Policies of "Cities and Territories"

    Upon completion of program, students should be proficient in conducting evaluation work and applying a thoughtful evaluation approach.
    Academic Program
  • Big Data & Society (BD&S)

    … domains. This includes, for instance, contentgenerated on the internet through social media and search engines but … and crowdsourced data.  Critically, rather than settling on a definition the Journal makes this an object of … .  This section will provide a space for short submissions on topical issues, controversies, questions, etc. …
  • Protocol - Under what circumstances does enhancing community accountability and empowerment improve education outcomes, particularly for the poor?

    … , provides a protocol for a realist synthesis on community accountability and empowerment interventions in … countries. Problems have included low levels of student participation, low quality teaching, teacher absence …
  • Causality: Models, Reasoning and Inference

    … 3. Causal diagrams and the identification of causal effects; 4. Actions, plans, and direct effects; 5. Causality and structural models in social science … counterfactuals; 8. Imperfect experiments: bounding effects and counterfactuals; 9. Probability of causation: …
  • Green Media Toolshed

    Green Media Toolshed is a website that aims to provide tools and training to improve the effectiveness of 'green' messages' to the public from environmental movements"Green Media Toolshed's goals are to:
  • Diploma in Evaluation for Change

    … projects, programs, and instruments. The program focuses on strengthening the skills necessary to design, implement, …
    Academic Program
  • Week 15: Fitting reporting methods to evaluation findings – and audiences

    … This week we're sharing some ideas from Rakesh Mohan on ways of making evaluation reports more interesting.  … officials asked us to provide training to their staff on how to create the same charts for their own reporting … we used charts that plotted the distribution of per student funding (represented by the Gini coefficient) over …
  • Knowing place through story

    … of story Specifically, Indigenous knowledge is based on the collective wisdom of ancestors and built through … of all, they were the living libraries, the keepers of legends and lore. They knew the causes and mutations of … rooted in trust. Individual conversations may focus on personal experiences or oral history. Elders and community …
  • Can we obtain the required rigour without randomisation? Oxfam GB’s non-experimental Global Performance Framework

    … development sector need credible, reliable feedback on whether their interventions are making a meaningful … continue to believe that capturing and tracking data on impact/outcome indicators from only the intervention group … outcome indicator. The approach taken differs depending on the nature of the project. Community-based interventions, …
  • Does microfinance reduce poverty in India?

    … is used to assess the impact of micro-finance loans on reducing poverty when they are used for productive means. … [used] take into account the endogenous binary treatment effects and the sample selection bias associated with access … determinants of access to MFIs, significantly positive effects of MFI access on the multidimensional welfare …