
1273 results

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  • Non-participant observation

    … usually takes a period of days or months, but, depending on the phenomenon in question, sometimes several years." (Liu … that of the participants? This can be addressed by drawing on participant accounts, as well as that of the researcher. … …
  • Measures of central tendency

    Measures of Central Tendency provide a summary measure that attempts to describe a whole set of data with a single value that represents the middle or centre of its distribution.
  • World cafe

    … focus, and experiences of the group are brought to bear on a particular issue or issues with a collective sense of … down key thoughts and ideas cards or sketching them out on paper tablecloths. After 20 - 30 minutes, participants are …
  • Case study evaluations - US General Accounting Office

    … study analysis. Excerpt "This methodology transfer paper on case study evaluations describes how GAO evaluators could … the six. This paper presents an evaluation perspective on case studies, defines them, and determines their … 40 Critical Instance 45 Program Implementation 48 Program Effects 54 Cumulative 57 Design Decisions and Case Study …
  • C4D: Synthesise data from a single study or evaluation

    … and rubrics), and approaches (such as social return on investment). This page is recommended as background … data synthesis processes we can make findings based on different sources of evidence and voices. This is a useful …
    Communication for Development (C4D)
  • Implementation

    … other team members) check in with the evaluation manager on progress with the assigned tasks. Similarly, she/he is … for the evaluation and collecting input / feedback such as on the evaluation design, the evaluation work plan etc. (see  Step 1 ). It is particularly important to agree on how unforeseen issues that affect the implementation of …
    Manager's guide to evaluation
  • Overview: Strategies for causal attribution

    … process of causal attribution with a particular emphasis on its use in impact evaluation. The guide specifically focuses on the three broad strategies for causal attribution: … “Positive and negative, primary and secondary long-term effects produced by a development intervention, directly or …
  • Overview: Data collection and analysis methods in impact evaluation

    … of good data management practices. The guide also focuses on specific issues to ensure the quality of data collected. … evaluations need to go beyond assessing the size of the effects (i.e., the average impact) to identify for whom and …
  • Evaluation request for proposals (RFP) checklist

    This resource provides a checklist to ensure that your Request for Proposals (RFP) for evaluation services yields high-quality submissions.
  • Handbook on poverty and inequality

    … Evaluation  Chapter 14: Using Regression  Chapter 15: The Effects of Taxation and Spending on Inequality and Poverty  Chapter 16: Using Survey Data: … 2: Stata Preliminary  Appendix 3: Exercises  … Handbook on poverty and inequality …
  • The importance of a methodologically diverse approach to impact evaluation

    This statement from the European Evaluation Society (EES) argues that randomised control trials are not necessarily the best way to ensure a rigorous or scientific impact evaluation assessment (IE) for development and development aid.
  • Evaluating Peacebuilding Activities in Settings of Conflict and Fragility

    This guide from the OECD is aimed at improving program design, management and evaluation in areas of conflict and fragility.
  • Constituent voice: Technical note 1

    … constituents. We call this sense-making. Then you must act on the resulting insight. Finally, ongoing Constituent Voice … you know if corrective actions are having their desired effects. " Contents Stage 1 • Design 8 Balancing four measurement design principles 8 Evidence on four dimensions of performance 10 Importance 10 Quality of …
  • 52 weeks of BetterEvaluation: Using evaluability assessment to improve Terms of Reference

    … forms of Evaluability  Assessment but they all focus on assessing whether the project/program and the organisation … to selected examples and guides. Resource A bibliography on evaluability assessment : This page by Rick Davies … December 2012 (audio recording) : Our 2012 virtual clinic on  Terms of Reference (ToR)  for evaluation discussed using …
  • Equity in extractives: Stewarding Africa’s natural resources for all

    … for smallholder farmers. And it could put the region on a pathway towards dynamic and inclusive growth. Contents …
  • Use of impact evaluation results

    … This is the fourth guidance note from InterAction's series on impact evaluation.  The guide, written by David Bonbright, … use of evaluation results.   The first theme focuses on ensuring the use of results is planned for from the … slides Excerpt "This note, the last in the series, focuses on the use of impact evaluations. The core argument of this …
  • Utilization-focused evaluation simplified step-by-step modules

    … primary intended uses: choosing what to evaluate Focusing on evaluation: What are the KEQ – key evaluation questions …
  • General Elimination Methodology

    General Elimination Methodology has two stages:
  • Open space

    … the overall discussion and in doing so a session will draw on the diverse knowledge, experience, insights and differing …
  • Methods for monitoring and evaluation

    This annex to the International Fund for Agricultural Development's (IFAD) A Guide for Project M&E (PDF), summarises 34 useful methods for specific M&E tasks.
  • Time to listen: Hearing people on the receiving end of international aid

    … This guide reports on the ideas, insights, and analyses of almost 6,000 people … these questions through the experiences of people on the receiving side of international assistance; it reports on the ideas, insights, and analyses of almost 6,000 people …
  • Manage data

    … Timeliness : Data are up-to-date current and available on time. … Manage data …
    Rainbow Framework
  • Issues raised by participants in InterAction Forum

    … most striking aspects of the items is the strong emphasis on issues related to evaluation management - in particular, … is important! Small group dedicated to regularly working on impact assessment The 3 key stakeholders – 1) program … time up front to allow full discussion and agreement on evaluation questions, understanding what would be learned …
  • Advisory group

    … An advisory group can be established to provide advice on an individual evaluation, a series of evaluations, or the … key stakeholders or as a separate advisory group to advise on methodological aspects. Advisory groups are not always … with various stakeholder groups and even beneficiaries on occasion, then the creation of an additional advisory …
  • Master of Advanced Studies in Evaluation

    … work in consulting or research. The program does not focus on the "how" of the evaluation, but rather the overarching …
    Academic Program
  • 52 weeks of BetterEvaluation: Week 9: Addressing complexity

    … complexity, including the SEAChange Climate Change session on Complexity and Attribution, and Michael Quinn Patton's … of the term 'complex' Very often these discussions focus on complicated aspects of interventions - such as long causal … ."  Bmj  337.sep29_1 (2008): a1655-a1655, which focuses on evaluating interventions with multiple components. …
  • The evaluator as facilitator: Considerations for good facilitation practice

    … that as evaluators move towards a focus on organizational learning, this “transforms the role of the … a group to make meaning of the evaluation results calls on the evaluator to tend to group learning, group dynamics, … of findings – This might involve facilitating discussions on the development of recommendations, the practical …
  • Diploma of Advanced Studies in Evaluation (DAS Ev Unibe)

    … The Diploma of Advanced Studies (DAS) in Evaluation builds on the Certificate of Advanced Study (CAS) level. In addition …
    Academic Program
  • Evaluating Impacts of Peacebuilding Interventions

    … countries (FCAS). The framework centres on addressing the causes and effects of conflict and fragility, and building conflict … of conflict and fragility. Yet as the same How To Note on Results in Fragile and Conflict--‐Affected States and …
  • Evaluation for Improvement: A Seven-Step Empowerment Evaluation Approach

    … empowerment evaluation places an explicit emphasis on building the evaluation capacity of individuals and …
  • A framework for monitoring and evaluating children's participation

    … processes. It is divided into two parts. Part one focuses on measuring the extent to which the environment at the … to access to information 15 Measuring awareness-raising on children’s participation rights 16 Measuring opportunities …
  • Twelve reasons why climate change adaptation M&E is challenging

    … Community of Practice and  UKCIP  that focuses on the monitoring and evaluation of climate change adaptation … to how people and systems adjust to the actual or expected effects of climate change. It is often presented as a …