Global innovations in measurement and evaluation

This report by NPC highlights their research into the latest developments in theory and practice in measurement and evaluation. The authors found that new thinking, techniques, and technology are influencing and improving practice. This report highlights eight developments that the authors think have the greatest potential to improve evaluation and programme design, and the careful collection and use of data. 

This resource and the following information was contributed to BetterEvaluation by Anoushka Kenley (NPC).

Authors and their affiliation

Andrew Weston, Anne Kazimirski, Anoushka Kenley, Rosie McLeod, Ruth Gripper (all NPC)

Key features

Global innovations in measurement and evaluation brings together the findings of research conducted by UK charity New Philanthropy Capital (NPC), in which we interviewed 13 evaluation experts from around the world. The goal of these interviews was to discover what evaluation experts are most excited about, what they’re are talking about, and what approaches, tools or techniques they think are most likely to make a long lasting contribution to addressing evaluation challenges.  

Eight key trends emerged from our research that we thought to be most exciting, relevant and likely to have a long-lasting contribution. Some of these are driven by cutting-edge technology; others reflect growing application of ideas that push practice beyond ‘traditional’ models of evaluation.

User-centric and shared approaches are leading to better informed measurement and evaluation design. Theory-based evaluation and impact management embolden us to ask better research questions and obtain more useful answers. Data linkage, the availability of big data, and the possibilities arising from remote sensing are increasing the number of questions we can answer. And data visualisation opens up doors to better understanding and communication of this data.


How have you used or intend on using this resource?

The report provides an accessible overview of some of the most important trends in evaluation today.  So it can help bring you up to speed on how evaluation is developing, or give you new ideas about how to approach an evaluation problem.

Why would you recommend it to other people?

It includes bite sized technical descriptions, as well as explanations of why an approach is important and illustrations of how it’s been used in practice.  Each trend is accompanied by a case study and links to further reading on the techniques discussed. 


Global innovations in measurement and evaluation is published by NPC, with support from the UK Department for International Development, Oxfam, the NSPCC, Save the Children and Baites Well Braithewaite.  It is available to download for free at

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