Introducing knowledge sharing methods and tools: a facilitator's guide

This guide, written by Allison Hewlitt and Lucie Lamoureux for the International Development Research Centre (IDRC) and the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), outlines a range of methods that can be used for knowledge sharing.


"Over ten years ago, IFAD and IDRC joined hands to support Knowledge Networking for Rural Development in Asia-Pacific Region (ENRAP) to nurture knowledge-networks amongst IFAD’s projects and partner. Building capacity at regional, national and project level, to share knowledge has been key to building and integrating regular knowledge sharing and management within IFAD operations.

This process gained speed with the formation of a knowledge facilitator’s (KF) group as a key connector in the network, comprising of IFAD’s officers based in country offices. Their exposure to KS techniques led to a lot of excitement in working with new ways to enhance learning for better results in tackling poverty; and from country offices soon spread to projects and partners. Driving the learning and exchange processes in Asia-Pacific, members of the KF group are recognised as experts and are invited by other divisions at IFAD and institutions outside to share their insights on KM and KS processes to improve learning.

This guide introducing KS tools and methods for facilitators was put together in response to their needs and as a result of their tremendous effort. Over several months they provided inputs, tested methods in the field, piloted the draft version and provided feedback. Allison Hewlitt and Lucie Lamoureux held our hands throughout this journey leading with their specialised understanding of learning and sharing methods."


  • Workshop Preparations
  • Workshop Delivery
    • KS Entry Point 1: How can we... Strengthen relationships and networks
      • Option 1: Social network mapping and analysis
    • KS Entry Point 2: How can we... Capture and disseminate lessons learned, case studies and good practices
      • Option 1: Tools treasure hunt
      • Option 2: Video storytelling
    • KS Entry Point 3: How can we... Generate and share lessons learned, case studies and good practices
      • Option 1: Speed sharing
      • Option 2: Chat show
      • Option 3: Jumpstart storytelling
    • KS Entry Point 4: How can we... Design and facilitate better meetings and workshops
      • Option 1: World Café
      • Option 2: Facilitation Skills
      • Option 3: Peer Assist
    • KS Entry Point 5: How can we... Strengthen and sustain knowledge sharing
      • Option 1: KM Self-Assessment
      • Option 2: Peer Assist (on integrating KS in IFAD business processes)
    • What’s next?
      • Option 1: Review of KS methods and tools
      • Option 2: Open Space


Hewlitt, A. and Lamoureux, L. (n.d.). Introducing Knowledge Sharing  Methods and Tools: A facilitator's guide, International Development Research Centre (IDRC) and the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD). Retrieved from: