UNEG Strategy 2014–2019

This strategy document from the United Nations Evaluation Group (UNEG) outlines the strategic pathway for all work conducted by UNEG for the period 2014 - 2019. Using an independent assessment of UNEG as the basis of its priorities, the strategy outlines the priorities of increasing partnerships with other professional evaluation networks and organisations, revising its governance and decision-making structures, and defining a strategy. 


"The Strategy sets out an ambitious agenda for concerted action and priority areas for 2014-2019. It is based on the normative values of the United Nations and supersedes the Principles of Working Together. It outlines how the Group will continue to support its members and partners as they strengthen the independence, credibility and use of evaluation and it outlines how UNEG will inform UN reform processes and cooperate with the global evaluation community. The Group has assessed the options available for moving forward. It recognizes that continuing the past approach risks not being able to provide the leadership on evaluation, while becoming more ambitious risks stretching thin the resources of a voluntary organization." (UNEG, 2014)


  • Vision and Mission 5
  • Strategic Objectives 2014–2019 6
    • Strategic objective 1 - evaluation functions and products of un entities meet the norms and standards for evaluation 7
    • Strategic objective 2 - un entities and partners use evaluation in support of accountability and programme learning 8
    • Strategic objective 3 - evaluation informs un system-wide initiatives and emerging demands 9
    • Strategic objective 4 - UNEG benefits from and contributes to an enhanced global evaluation profession 11
  • How We Will Work Together 12
    • UNEG membership 12
    • Governance bodies 12
    • Chair 13
    • Vice chairs 13
    • Working methods 13
    • UNEG secretariat 14
    • Elections 14
    • Funding 14
  • Risks 16
  • Learning, Monitoring and Evaluation 16
  • UNEG’s Impact Pathway 18


United Nations Evaluation Group (UNEG), (2014), UNEG Strategy 2014–2019, Retrieved from: https://go.madmimi.com/redirects/1400619415-a85ff3d3e78086187c85ad3602606719-d644e27?pa=22709777209