Heather Britt

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  • Causal Link Monitoring (CLM) integrates design and monitoring to support adaptive management of projects.
  • "Outcome Harvesting is a utilisation-focused, highly participatory tool that enables evaluators, grant makers, and managers to identify, formulate, verify, and make sense of outcomes they have influenced when relationships of cause-effect a
  • "Outcome Harvesting is a utilisation-focused, highly participatory tool that enables evaluators, grant makers, and managers to identify, formulate, verify, and make sense of outcomes they have influenced when relationships of cause-effect a
  • This is a straightforward budget example that lists costs associated with four basic expenditure categories: staffing, materials and supplies, equipment and travel.  
  • Page 17 of this guide from Imagine Canada provides an example of an evaluation budget for a one-year project evaluation.
  • This document is a USAID guide to developing an evaluation budget based on the resources identified in the evaluation Statement Of Work (SOW). 


  • An evaluation budget matrix specifies various items that need to be costed as individual line items. 
  • Evaluation expenses are highly situational and there are no magic formulas for calculating costs. 
  • This strategy requires management leadership and uses the rule of thumb approach to estimate the percentage of project funds to spend on evaluation which could be done more accurately by developing an initial 
  • You may also consider approaching a foundation or other donor agency for the funds to undertake an evaluation.
  • As many projects are undertaken by a consortium of organisations working together, sometimes it is worthwhile to consider approaching your implementing partners to pool resources and carry out the evaluation jointly. 
  • The resources available for evaluation include people’s time and expertise, equipment and funding. 
  • Reducing costs is something to consider if evaluation costs outweigh the predicted benefits or available resources.
  • This strategy for securing sufficient resources for conducting evaluation involves allocating a specified amount of staff time (hours or days per week) to work on evaluation.
  • This strategy requires management leadership and uses the rule of thumb approach to estimate the percentage of project funds to spend on evaluation.


  • An approach designed to support ongoing learning and adaptation, which identifies the processes required to achieve desired results, and then observes whether those processes take place, and how.