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  • C4D: Specify the key R,M&E questions

    R,M&E Questions are the small number of broad questions that R,M&E are intended to answer, not the many specific questions that might be on a questionnaire or an interview schedule.  Deciding which questions should be answered is one of the most…
    Communication for Development (C4D)
  • Resources and capacity for M&E systems

    Resources and capacity in a national M&E system refer to the combination of human, financial, and technological assets a country has available to manage M&E systems.
    National M&E Systems
  • Describe activities, outcomes, impacts and context

    Collect and retrieve data to answer descriptive questions such as what has happened in terms of the activities of the project, programme, or policy, the various results it has had, and the context in which it has been implemented.
    Rainbow Framework
  • C4D: Develop recommendations

    Research studies, findings from monitoring and evaluations often make proposals for certain courses of actions. This includes options, improvements or advise on whether a program should be continued or expanded.
    Communication for Development (C4D)
  • Formalise accountability processes on ethical practice

    Accountability principle: Include appropriate mechanisms and procedures for reporting on ethical aspects of the research and complying with this ethical protocol.
    Evaluation practice in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander settings
  • Ethical Protocol

    This Ethical Protocol contains a set of ethical principles to hear and privilege the voice of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples in monitoring and evaluation that involves them or impacts on them.
    Evaluation practice in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander settings
  • C4D: Ensure accessibility

    While producing reports, it is important to think about accessibility. There are some things you can do to improve accessibility in a general sense, such as using graphic design principles, using plain language, and using sub-headings. There are also some…
    Communication for Development (C4D)
  • Engage team

    Evaluations can be conducted by in-house staff (internal) or a third party (external) or a mix of both. Advertising the Terms of Reference (ToR) / Request for Proposal (RFP) is the first step in engaging external evaluators but other important issues need…
    Manager's guide to evaluation
  • Engager l’équipe d’évaluation

    Une fois que la décision de faire appel à des évaluateurs externes est prise, il faut prévoir suffisamment de temps pour procéder à leur embauche.
    Manager's guide to evaluation
  • C4D Hub: Analyse each key evaluation question

    Embedded within broad key questions for R,M&E there are often different types of smaller questions.
    Communication for Development (C4D)
  • C4D: Describe

    The describe cluster of evaluation tasks involves collecting or retrieving data and analyzing it to answer R,M&E questions about situations and what has happened (the activities, outcomes and impacts) and other important contextual information
    Communication for Development (C4D)
  • Roles and responsibilities

    Determine how decisions will be made on: the focus of the evaluation; choosing the evaluator / evaluation team;approving the evaluation design; approving evaluation reports and who can access the final report(s) and data.
    Manager's guide to evaluation
  • Déterminer de quelle façon les décisions concernant l’évaluation seront prises

    Plusieurs décisions doivent être prises au cours d’une évaluation, notamment : l’objectif de l’évaluation (y compris les principales questions d’évaluation), le choix de l’évaluateur ou de l’équipe d’évaluation, l’approbation de la conception de l’…
    Manager's guide to evaluation
  • C4D: Accountable

    Transparent; rigour; multiple; quality Accountability means demonstrating results communities, partners, funders and policy makers. R,M&E that is rigorous, transparent and relevant will produce evidence for accountability.
    Communication for Development (C4D)
  • Check the results are consistent with causal contribution

    Check that the data are consistent with what would be expected if the intervention were contributing to producing the observed changes.
    Rainbow Framework
  • Clarify what will be evaluated

    An evaluation can focus on a project, a number of projects, a program, a policy, a strategy, an organization, a network.
    Manager's guide to evaluation
  • Clarifier ce qui sera évalué

    Une évaluation peut porter sur un projet, plusieurs projets, un programme, une politique, une stratégie, une organisation ou un réseau.
    Manager's guide to evaluation
  • Reporting

    The evaluation reports should include relevant and comprehensive information structured in a manner that facilitates its use but also provide transparency in terms of the methods used and the evidence obtained to substantiate the conclusions and…
    Manager's guide to evaluation
  • Guider la production de rapports de qualité

    L’évaluation, par définition, répond à des questions évaluatives, c’est-à-dire des questions concernant la « qualité » (à quel point quelque chose est bon) et la « valeur » (en tenant compte de la situation particulière, comme les ressources utilisées…
    Manager's guide to evaluation
  • Recognition of good practice

    Recognition of good practice can serve as a formal mechanism to acknowledge and celebrate outstanding achievements in the field of M&E, incentivising excellence and innovation among practitioners and organisations.
    National M&E Systems
  • About the Code of Conduct

    Culturally safe evaluation practice with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples
    Evaluation practice in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander settings
  • Good practice examples

    We are sharing some initial examples of good practice and aim to get many more from communities across Australia.
    Evaluation practice in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander settings
  • C4D: Identify primary intended users

    Intended users are the specifically identified people who will use the M&E findings; primary intended users are those whose needs the evaluation will particularly try to meet. Primary intended users have a desire, responsibility or role in doing…
    Communication for Development (C4D)
  • C4D: Combine qualitative and quantitative data

    M&E Frameworks and evaluation/study designs that include the collection both qualitative and quantitative data, are an important strategy for strong and balanced findings. It is important to plan in advance how the different types of data will be…
    Communication for Development (C4D)
  • Share benefits and apply two-way learning

    Community transformation principle: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples involved in, or affected by, evaluation should benefit from the evaluation project and not be disadvantaged by it.
    Evaluation practice in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander settings
  • Data systems and management

    Monitoring and evaluation systems depend on the availability of data.
    National M&E Systems
  • C4D: Develop reporting media

    Research, monitoring and evaluation reports can be in different formats and be shared using different media. Working with different groups, users or stakeholders (see Identify reporting requirements) determine the best format for the reports.
    Communication for Development (C4D)
  • C4D: Define ethical and quality evaluation standards for R,M&E

    It is important to be agree on and be clear about what both the quality standards are for the R,M&E (issues such as rigor, contextuality, gender sensitivity, impartiality and other criteria about the quality of R,M&E), and what the ethical…
    Communication for Development (C4D)
  • Pacific MEL Diagnostic Tool

    The Pacific MEL tool was originally developed as part of a collaborative project to develop a ‘roadmap’ to strengthen capacity in the Pacific region for contextually and culturally appropriate monitoring, evaluation, resea
  • Monitoring and Evaluation Systems Analysis (MESA)

    The Monitoring and Evaluation Systems Analysis (MESA) is a diagnostic tool developed by the Global Evaluation Initiative (GEI).
  • European pathway to the future

    This report examines the European pathway to the Future which is a transnational project aimed at sharing best practice in developing and implementing social inclusion policies.
  • How can we assess the value of working in partnerships?

    Tiina Pasanen (Overseas Development Institute) shares her reflections from the 2016 'M&E on the Cutting Edge' Conference Partnering for Success, and asks, how do we learn what type of partnerships work well, under what conditions an