
3447 results

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  • Learning to evaluate capacity development and collaborative learning

    Community-based natural resource management (CBNRM) in Asia faces the challenge of assessing and documenting the role of capacity development in enhancing CBNRM outcomes.
  • Learning about theories of change for the monitoring and evaluation of research uptake

    The paper, published by the Institute of Development Studies (IDS), captures lessons from recent experiences on using ‘theories of change’ amongst organisations involved in the research–policy interface.
  • Evaluation cartoons and comics

    This website provides a range of 'stock' cartoons on the evaluation theme.
  • Project evaluation guide for nonprofit organizations

    Page 17 of this guide from Imagine Canada provides an example of an evaluation budget for a one-year project evaluation.
  • Social Value UK

    Social Value UK (formerly SROI Network) "is the professional body for social value and impact management.
  • Evaluation Toolkit: Sample budget

    This is a straightforward budget example that lists costs associated with four basic expenditure categories: staffing, materials and supplies, equipment and travel.  
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  • Data quality standards for USAID and implementing partner m&e officers

    This document is adapted from an August 2005 presentation for USAID/Uganda Activity Managers and provides a quick review of USAID information quality requirements.
  • The rubric revolution

    Three linked presentations from Jane Davidson, Nan Wehipeihana & Kate McKegg explaining how rubrics can be used to ensure evaluations validly answer evaluative questions. 
  • The role of evaluation in USAID

    This guide addresses questions about the new role of evaluation in USAID and outlines key steps operating units should follow in planning and conducting evaluations.
  • Guidance on evaluation and review

    This guide from the UK Department for International Development (DfID) outlines a comprehensive step by step process for the design, management and reporting of an evaluation.
  • Catholic relief services'; (CRS) Guidance for developing logical and results frameworks

    This document was primarily written to provide guidance for conceptualizing, writing, selecting and measuring project performance indicators.
  • Using appreciative inquiry in evaluation practice

    These Powerpoint slides are from a workshop by Hallie Preskill at the 2007 Summer Institute of the American Evaluation Association and the Centers for Disease Control. The workshop is intended to help participants to:
  • Sparking Collective Learning

    This blog post from Sarah Plachta Elliott describes how a System of Supports and Opportunities was used by Brandeis University’s Center for Youth and Communities in six neighborhoods in Detroit, Michig
  • Logframe - A Critique

    This paper provides a critical analysis of logframes and argues that they may not be a useful tool as they can discourage innovation due to their linear approach.
  • Terms of reference. End of programme independent evaluation

    The document provides an example of a terms of reference for developing an independent evaluation, with instructions on methodology and reporting standards.
  • The logical framework approach

    This publication is part of a series of guidelines developed by AusAid in relation to activities design.
  • Writing memos

    This clear and concise guide from Purdue University outlines the process for creating memos.
  • Overview: Working under budget, time, data and political constraints

    This overview of the RealWorld Evaluation book "Working Under Budget, Time, Data and Political Constraint" explains how the RealWorld Evaluation Approaches can be applied at every step of the evaluation process.
  • Evaluation, valuation, negotiation: some reflections towards a culture of evaluation

    This article, "Evaluation, valuation, negotiation: some reflections towards a culture of evaluation" explores the issues of developing standards for an evaluation, when these have not previously been agreed, in a rural development program i
  • Social media news release webinar with step-by-step guide

    This one-hour webinar is an in-depth discussion of the 15 steps to creating a press release. Excerpt The following example is an excerpt from Falkow (2012)
  • Quick tips for planning evaluation reports

    This guide from the University of Wisconsin Cooperative Extension, provides a range of tips and advice for planning and writing evaluation reports that are concise and free of jargon. 
  • How to Write a Press Release

    This webpage from WikiHow outlines a step by step process for writing effective press releases.
  • Social Learning - An explanation using Twitter

    This slide show highlights the different elements of social learning with a specific focus on social media, in particular twitter.
  • Participatory Learning for Action (PLA)

    This PowerPoint presentation gives a detailed overview of this approach including a range of tools that can be used to gather data.  
  • Picture this: Using images to gather and communicate evaluation data

    This paper is an overview of a workshop from the Australian Evaluation Society (AES) conference in Perth, 2008 in which the options for using photography and drawn images to gather and communicate evaluatio
  • Insights into participatory video

    This handbook from InsightShare provides a detailed account of the purposes and processes involved in running participatory video projects.