
3447 results

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  • Photographic reporting

    Adding photographs to an evaluation report can make it more appealing to readers and also make the key messages more memorable.
  • Poetry

    When preparing an evaluation report, one way of communicating vividly the experience of participants, or the situation in which the program has been implemented, is to present some of the findings in the form of a poem.
  • Chartjunk elimination

    Often the default settings in graphing programs include too much extraneous graphic detail that can confuse readers and cause them to stop engaging with the report.
  • Descriptive chart titles

    Descriptive subtitles in a chart can highlight the key takeaway points for the reader. This is particularly important when graphs must stand alone, without the assistance of the evaluation to help interpret them.
  • Headings as summary statements

    Headings are extremely important to the readability of reports and documents.
  • Displays and exhibits

    Through the use of pictures, video or audio representations, maps or models, displays and exhibits can be used to draw attention to certain issues and assist in community engagement. 
  • Reporting needs analysis

    Conducting a needs analysis with your client to determine their reporting requirements.
  • Verbal Briefings

    Verbal briefings are a way of providing specific information to an audience of interested participants allowing for a structured question and answer format based on that information. 
  • Statistical generalisation

    Statistical generalisation involves statistically calculating the likely parameters of a population using data from a random sample of that population.
  • Webconference

    Webconferencing is a conference hosted on the internet that can allow people who live in different parts of the world to get together.
  • Videoconference

    Videoconferences can be used to gather data, communicate about the evaluation, including reporting findings, receive feedback about the evaluation report, and plan for utilization.
  • Teleconference

    Teleconferences can be used to facilitate the discussion of evaluation findings via telephone.
  • Participatory recommendation screening

    This option allows users to test recommendations with key stakeholders.
  • Electronic democracy

    Electronic democracy uses new and emergent forms of media to engage community members in seeking to influence the decision-making process by allowing them to apply pressure to those in power over a diverse range of issues.
  • Recommendations tracking

    Tracking recommendations involves keeping a transparent record of the responses to and action from recommendations.
  • Annual review

    Annual reviews of major evaluation findings and conclusions, based on evaluation studies completed during the preceding year, can be a useful way to support use.
  • Policy briefing

    Policy briefs are designed to outline findings and recommendations in an accessible manner for specific target audiences.
  • Social learning

    Social learning is an approach to learning that focuses on how people learn through social interactions, such as modelling, making connections, sharing experiences and resources, collaboration and self-organization.
  • Conference co-presentations

    Conference co-presentations take place when evaluators and evaluation commissioners or users jointly present findings or discussions about processes from an evaluation.
  • Colour blindness

    People who are affected by colour blindness are unable to distinguish between different hues of certain colours.
  • Aide memoire

    An aide-memoire generally refers to a document that is produced to summarise key findings and important recommendations of an evaluation.
  • External review

    This method involves facilitating a review of the evaluation by an external expert or anonymous reviewer.
  • Slide presentation

    A verbal presentation of results can ensure that intended users have an opportunity to be briefed on the results and to engage in a discussion about them.
  • Consensus conference

    A consensus conference is a formal public meeting, which gives the general public the chance to contribute to and be involved in the assessment of an issue or proposal.
  • Social media communications

    Social media refers to online communication platforms that allow participants to create and share content with people in their networks.
  • Infographics

    An infographic (short for 'information graphic') represents data visually so that the information is able to be quickly and easily understood.
  • Conferences

    Attendance at professional conferences to understand how other evaluators frame and discuss their findings is a key component of building evaluation capacity.

    This website describes thematic analysis, "a range of qualitative research methods that are used for exploring and interpreting patterned meaning across datasets."
  • The ‘5-whys’ method

    This document explains the idea behind the 'Five Whys' method.
  • Process tracing

    This document explores the challenges, uses and application of process tracing as a method for tracing the causal relationship of events and outcomes.
  • Strategies to reduce costs

    Reducing costs is something to consider if evaluation costs outweigh the predicted benefits or available resources.
  • Work with universities to staff the evaluation

    This strategy requires management leadership and uses the rule of thumb approach to estimate the percentage of project funds to spend on evaluation which could be done more accurately by developing an initial 