
3447 results

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  • Posters

    A good poster communicates your message clearly, quickly and succinctly.
  • Powerpoint

    Structuring presentations with a series of powerpoint slides is now the most common way of presenting information to groups.
  • Theatre

    There are several different ways of using theatre to communicate evaluation findings and engage intended users in responding to them.
  • Standards, evaluative criteria and benchmarks

    Standards, evaluative criteria, or benchmarks refer to the criteria by which an evaluand will be judged during an evaluation.
  • Social media

    Social media refers to a range of internet-based applications that support the creation and exchange of user-generated content - including Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest and LinkedIn.
  • Contractual agreement

    A formal contract is needed to engage an external evaluator and a written agreement covering similar issues can also be used to document agreements about an internal evaluator.
  • Explaining

    ‘Explaining’ involves using qualitative work to understand unanticipated results from quantitative data.  
  • Examining

    ‘Examining’ refers to generating hypotheses from qualitative work to be tested through the quantitative approach.
  • Enriching

    ‘Enriching’ is achieved by using qualitative work to identify issues or obtain information on variables not obtained by quantitative surveys. 
  • Integrated design

    Integrated Design is an approach to mixed options evaluation where qualitative and quantitative data are integrated into an overall design.  
  • Component design

    Component design is an approach to mixed methods evaluation that conducts qualitative components of the evaluation separately to quantitative components and then combines the data at the time of report writing.  
  • Systematic review

    A systematic review is an approach to synthesising evidence from multiple studies.
  • Outcomes hierarchy

    An outcomes hierarchy shows all the outcomes (from short-term to longer-term) required to bring about the ultimate goal of an intervention.  
  • Negative programme theory

    Most programme theories, logic models and theories of change show how an intervention is expected to contribute to positive impacts; Negative programme theory, a technique developed by Carol Weiss, shows how it might produce negative impact
  • Mural

    A mural, a large drawing on the wall, can be used to collect data from a group of people about the current situation, their experiences using a service, or their perspectives on the outcomes from a project.
  • Projective techniques

    Projective techniques, originally developed for use in psychology, can be used in an evaluation to provide a prompt for interviews.
  • Matched Comparisons

    When using Matched Comparisons, participants (individuals, organizations or communities) are each matched with a non-participant on variables that are thought to be relevant which can be difficult to adequately match on all relevant criteri
  • Rich pictures

    A rich picture is a way to explore, acknowledge and define a situation and express it through diagrams to create a preliminary mental model and can help to open discussion and come to a broad, shared understanding of a situation.
  • Dotmocracy

    Dotmocracy is an established facilitation method for collecting and recognizing levels of agreement on written statements among a large number of people.
  • Instrumental variables

    This method is used to estimate the causal effect of variables on an intervention.
  • Institutional review board

    Institutional Review Boards (IRBs) are committees that are set up by organizations to review the technical and ethical dimensions of a research or evaluation project. 
  • Images

    Written reports and presentations should always include images. Beyond just charts and graphs, photographs or drawings increase the relevancy of the material to the audience and make the report more engaging.
  • Colour

    Blocks of background colour can help group similar items or separate reporting elements like sidebars. Text intended for narrative reading should be set in black or dark grey on a white or very light background.
  • Arrangement

    Arranging text and graphics on a page or slide can be a challenge for those not familiar with graphic design. Some basic principles can be easily implemented and boost readability and engagement.
  • Icon array

    An icon array is a display in which one shape is repeated a specific number of times (usually 10, 100 or 1,000) and then some of the shapes are altered in some way (usually by colour) to represent a proportion.
  • Slopegraph

    A slopegraph is a lot like a line graph, in that it plots change between points however, a slopegraph plots the change between only two points, without any kind of regard for the points in between.
  • Split axis bar graph

    While many graph types geared toward comparisons ask the viewer to subtract the difference between the heights of two bars or the space between two points on a line, a deviation bar graph simply graphs the difference.
  • Bullet graph

    Bullet graphs encode a single variable as a bar.
  • Dot plot

    Dot plots encode single data points with circles, often on a line.
  • Deviation bar graph

    Deviation bar graphs are simply two bar charts aligned, where one of the charts runs right to left rather than left to right.
  • Small multiples

    Small multiples are an array of graphs on the same scale that are grouped together in a row or grid and are often used to simplify a data display.
  • Text

    Generally speaking, serif fonts support readability in long, narrative-style documents produced on paper. Sans serif fonts are easier to read in electronic reporting media.