
3447 results

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  • Peer review and self-evaluation

    This toolkit from the Australian National University (ANU) provides a range of resources that demonstrate the use of both peer review and self evaluation in order to develop reflective practice in teache
  • Conducting after-action reviews and retrospects

    This paper from the Asian Development Bank (ADB) focuses on the use of after action reviews to discuss successes and failures of a project in order to identify how accomplishments can be sustained and short
  • Dr. Robert Chambers elaborates on Participatory GIS (PGIS) practice

    In this video, Dr Robert Chambers outlines both the benefits and dangers of using Participatory GIS (PGIS) in development evaluation. Some of the key points he raises are:
  • Find yourself a mentor

    This webpage from BMJ Careers provides an overview of the mentoring process and outlines tips for selecting a mentor.
  • BetterEvaluation - Virtual Community Clinic 2012

    This is a recording from the first virtual event hosted by BetterEvaluation (December 2012). The event takes a format of a community clinic, in which one participant is asked to describe a particular challenge that they're having.
  • Mentoring evaluators: what's happening in Canada

    This poster presentation from the American Evaluation Association Conference 2011 analyses the research conducted in Canada in order to develop a nationwide mentoring program for evaluators. 
  • Request for expression of interest for consultancy services to conduct mid-term review of actionaid

    This Expression of Interest (EOI) from Actionaid Nigeria clearly demonstrates the structure and function of writing an EOI for evaluation purposes
  • Call for expression of interest global evaluation of the emergency response funds (ERFs)

    This Expression of Interest (EoI) from the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) demonstrates the clear structure and content of an EoI for evaluation purposes.
  • Developing Outcomes Models: DoView and the Shower Curtain

    This short article shows the development of a logic model using two techniques at the same time - a plastic shower curtain and DoView software.
  • ImpactMap

    ImpactMap is a tool which creates logic models using a fixed format. It also produces action plans and documents performance measurement plans.
  • Interactive Evaluation Practice - Mastering the Interpersonal Dynamics of Program Evaluation

    This resource discusses interactive, face-to-face techniques to use to achieve particular evaluation goals, especially in formal meetings of an evaluation.
  • Fundamentals of implementation research

    This module introduces the language, concepts, tools and strategies utilised in Implementation Research (IR).
  • Methods for estimating the costs of family planning

    This report summarises an expert meeting discussing issues related to methods of estimating family planning program costs. 
  • Do labor market policies have displacement effects? Evidence from a clustered randomized experiment

    This resource reports the results from a randomized experiment intended to evaluation the direct and indirect (displacement) impacts of job placement assistance on the labor market outcomes of young, educated job seekers in France.
  • Glossaire des termes usuels en mesure de performance et en évaluation

    Ce guide a été préparé par la Direction de la mise en oeuvre de la Loi sur l’administration publique du Secrétariat du Conseil du trésor avec la collaboration précieuse d’experts internes et externes.
  • BetterEvaluation em Português

    A visão da BetterEvaluation é de um mundo com melhor avaliação, melhores decisões e melhores resultados para as pessoas e o planeta.
  • Communication for development (C4D) project

    About the Evaluating C4D Resource Hub The Evaluating C4D Resource Hub has been developed as part of a research partnership with RMIT University, the University of Hyderabad and UNICEF Communication for Development (C4D).
  • Get involved in Footprint Evaluation

    Yes! Sign me up to the Footprint Evaluation newsletter.  
  • NSW government evaluation toolkit project

    This web-based toolkit has been developed to help program managers in New South Wales (Australia) government agencies manage evaluations including those undertaken by internal or external evaluators, or by a combination of both. 
  • C4D Hub: Check the results support causal attribution (strategy 2)

    Checking the consistency of results means analysing data in systematic ways to check the extent to which it matches what would be expected if it has worked, in order to understand whether a causal relationship exists between variables.
    Концептуальные основы / руководства
    Communication for Development (C4D)
  • Principles and Protocols for the BetterEvaluation team

    Ten foundational principles and protocols will guide BetterEvaluation core team and members of the project working team (present and future) in their engagement with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.
    Концептуальные основы / руководства
    Evaluation practice in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander settings
  • BetterEvaluation en Español

    BetterEvaluation visualiza un mundo en que hay mejores evaluaciones, mejores decisiones y mejores resultados para las personas y el planeta.
  • BetterEvaluation en français

    BetterEvaluation a pour but d’améliorer les démarches d'évaluation en vue de prendre de meilleures décisions et d’obtenir de meilleurs résultats, au profit des populations et de la planète.
  • UNICEF Vietnam National Program for Child Protection M&E Plans Framework

    The UNICEF Vietnam Country Office with their government counterparts developed a M&E plan that included causal analysis strategies through checking the consistency of evidence.
  • التقييم الأفضل باللغة العربية

    رؤية منظمة التقييم الأفضل هي تحقيق عالم يشهد تقييما أفضل وقرارات أفضل ونتائج أفضل من أجل الناس والكوكب.
  • BetterEvaluation 中文

    BetterEvaluation网站的愿景是为人类和地球提供更高效的评估、决策以及更完美的成果。 BetterEvaluation与全球社区合作,致力于分享、创造知识,并支持人们使用有关评估的知识。其中包括有关评估规划、管理、实施和使用的知识。
  • Русский

    Видение BetterEvaluation - это мир более качественной оценки, более эффективных решений и лучших результатов для людей и планеты.
  • BetterEvaluation auf Deutsch

    BetterEvaluation hat sich das Ziel gesetzt, im Interesse von Mensch und Umwelt zur Verbesserung von Evaluations- und Entscheidungsprozessen beizutragen.
  • C4D: Participatory Matrix

    Participation is a fundamental element of C4D, and should, where possible and appropriate, be incorporated into RM&E as a means of developing effective, innovative and sustainable C4D.
    Концептуальные основы / руководства
    Communication for Development (C4D)
  • BetterEvaluation's approach to capacity strengthening

    We believe it is important to take a principles-based and systems approach to capacity strengthening. 
  • The step-by-step guide to evaluation: How to become savvy evaluation consumers

    This step-by-step guide helps organizations learn how to track the impact of their investment and plan forward strategically.
  • What is evaluation?

    There are many different ways that people use the term 'evaluation'.  At BetterEvaluation, when we talk about evaluation, we mean: