
  • Directory of M&E training and professional development initiatives in the GEI network

    The directory features recurrent M&E training and professional development activities. It does not cover one-off engagements in specific contexts of the GEI’s work around the globe.
  • Journalism method survey

    The Footprint Evaluation Initiative invites you to participate in a su
  • Latest resources

    Find all the most recently added resources from BetterEvaluation and our community.
  • Test: New event view and filters

  • Privacy Policy

    The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD), the International Development Association (IDA),] (together the “World Bank” or “Bank”, “we” or “us”) respect your concerns about pr
  • Contribute a resource

    We are always interested to hear about resources that might be of use to evaluators, managers, and users of evaluation. They may be guides, overviews, specific tools for using a method, or an example of how you've used a certain method.
  • Evaluation Tools and Resources

    The BetterEvaluation Resource Library contains hundreds of curated and co-created resources related to managing, conducting, using, and strengthening capacity for evaluation.
  • Contribute content

    We welcome your contributions, whether you'd like to suggest a resource or event, write a blog, have feedback you'd like to share or would like to be more involved in a content area.
  • Evaluation Approaches

    Approaches (on this site) refer to an integrated package of methods and processes.
  • Getting started

    Not sure where to start? We've compiled some of the basics about evaluation and using the BetterEvaluation site to help you find your way:
  • Our work

    BetterEvaluation works to understand how to choose particular methods and processes to use in specific situations, and how to use them well.
  • About BetterEvaluation

    We work collaboratively with our global community to create, share and support use of knowledge about how to better plan, manage, conduct and use evaluation.
  • مبادئنا

    عدم إلحاق الضرر اتخاذ قرارات مدروسة بشأن أساليب وعمليات التقييم بما يتناسب مع الموقف المعيَّن تحديد المناقع والمخاطر في الأساليب والعمليات المتاحة، لاسيما لمن تخلفوا عن الركب أو استُبعِدوا  تعلِّم من التجارب في
  • Unsere Grundsätze

    Minimale Beeinträchtigung Fundierte und der jeweiligen Situation angemessene Entscheidungen über Evaluationsmethoden und -prozesse. Ermittlung von Vor- und Nachteilen der verfügbaren Methoden und Prozesse – insbesondere in Ber
  • Our principles

    Do no harm Make informed choices about evaluation methods and processes to suit the particular situation. Identify benefits and risks in the methods and processes available - especially for those left behind or excluded.
  • Nuestros principios

    No hacer daño Tomar decisiones informadas sobre los métodos y procesos de evaluación para adaptarse a la situación particular. Identificar los beneficios y riesgos en los métodos y procesos disponibles, especialmente para los qu
  • Nos principes

    Ne pas nuire Faire des choix éclairés sur les méthodes et les processus d’évaluation en fonction d’une situation donnée. Identifier les avantages et les risques que présentent les méthodes et processus disponibles, en particulie
  • Nossos princípios

    Não prejudicar Fazer escolhas informadas sobre métodos e processos de avaliação para se adequar a uma situação específica Identificar benefícios e riscos nos métodos e processos disponíveis - principalmente no que se refere ao q
  • Наши Принципы

    Не навредить Делать информированный выбор методов и процессов, подходящих для конкретной ситуации. Определять выгоды и риски, присутствующие в доступных методах и процессах, - особенно в отношении групп населения, не получающи
  • 我们的原则

    无伤害 针对特定的情况,明智地选择评估方法和过程。 识别现有方法和过程的益处和风险,特别是被忽略或被排除的部分。 从您所在的组织和部门以及当前和过去的经历中汲取经验。 系统地审查评估质量和影响,特别是被忽略或被排除的部分,并加以改进。 最优化 在计划和实施中嵌入评估思维和证据,而不仅仅是在项目完工之时。
  • اتصل بنا

    يرجي ملاحظة أن الفريق الرئيسي للتقييم الأفضل يتكلم بالإنكليزية، وعليه يمكنك توقع تأخيرات في الرد على الاستفسارات بلغات غير الإنكليزية
  • Kontakt

    Bitte beachten Sie, dass das Team von BetterEvaluation hauptsächlich Englisch spricht. Wir bitten Sie bei der Beantwortung von Anfragen in anderen Sprachen um Geduld. 
  • Stories of change survey

    BetterEvaluation, in its new home as part of the Global Evaluation Initiative (GEI), is committed to supporting evidence-based decision-making and improving the practice of monitoring and evaluation.
  • Partner organisations

    BetterEvaluation collaborates with organisational partners to create, share and support the use of knowledge about how to do evaluation better.
  • Evaluation Methods

    There are many different methods and processes that can be used in monitoring and evaluation (M&E). Use the search field and filtering on this page to find the methods you are interested in or browse our extensive list.
  • Contact

  • Contáctenos

    Por favor, tenga en cuenta que el equipo principal de BetterEvaluation habla inglés, y que se producirán demoras en los tiempos de respuesta de las consultas en idiomas distintos del inglés. 
  • Nous contacter

    Veuillez noter que l’équipe principale de BetterEvaluation est anglophone. Les demandes de renseignements dans des langues autres que l’anglais pourront engendrer des délais de réponse plus longs. 
  • Entre em contato

    Favor notar que a equipe da BetterEvaluation trabalha em inglês.  É possível que haja alguma demora no tempo de resposta para perguntas feitas em outros idiomas.
  • Контактная информация

    Пожалуйста, обратите внимание: основной состав BetterEvaluation говорит по-английски. Если запрос поступает на языке, отличном от английского, возможны задержки с ответом.
  • 联系我们

  • Contributors

    BetterEvaluation collaborates with evaluation experts to build knowledge, share knowledge and support the use of knowledge about how to do evaluation better. 