
3447 results

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  • Conducting data quality assessments

    This guide explains the purpose, standards and what is required for a data quality assessment.
  • Checklist for Assessing USAID Evaluation Reports

    This checklist from USAID is designed to support staff to produce high quality, evidence based evaluation reports.
  • Checklist for Reviewing Scopes of Work for Performance Evaluations

    This evaluation checklist was developed by USAID to support, review and strengthen scope of work (SOW) during the evaluation planning stage.
  • USAID Evaluation Policy Answers to Frequently Asked Questions

    This document was created for USAID staff and intended to provide guidance to Operating Units (OU's)in  the implementation of the USAID evaluation polic
  • Wading Through the Data Swamp: Program Evaluation 201

    This website offers a self paced online module which examines alcohol and marijuana use case studies to produce descriptive statistics including the mean and standard deviation
  • Evaluation Guidelines for Foreign Assistance

    These guidelines from the Office of the Director of U.S.
  • Evaluation Standards

    These standards from the Office of the Director of U.S.
  • Information Quality Guidelines

    This brief from USAID outlines how staff must implement the US Government's Office of Management and Budget's Guidelines to ensure the objectivity, utility, and
  • اتصل بنا

    يرجي ملاحظة أن الفريق الرئيسي للتقييم الأفضل يتكلم بالإنكليزية، وعليه يمكنك توقع تأخيرات في الرد على الاستفسارات بلغات غير الإنكليزية
  • Kontakt

    Bitte beachten Sie, dass das Team von BetterEvaluation hauptsächlich Englisch spricht. Wir bitten Sie bei der Beantwortung von Anfragen in anderen Sprachen um Geduld. 
  • How to talk about climate change

    This collection of resources - toolkit, short guide and cheat sheet - sets out the challenges of talking about climate change and presents effective strategies to address them.
  • Turin Agenda - 2022 National Evaluation Capacities conference

    The Turin Agenda is a commitment presented by over 300 participants from more than 100 countries at the 2022 National Evaluation Capacities Conference held in Turin, Italy from October 25-28.
  • Stories of change survey

    BetterEvaluation, in its new home as part of the Global Evaluation Initiative (GEI), is committed to supporting evidence-based decision-making and improving the practice of monitoring and evaluation.
  • Biodiversity assessment of the REDD community forest project in Oddar Meanchey Cambodia

    In this report, the details of field surveys are analysed to provide information on the distribution of birds and mammals in the Oddar Meachney province, Cambodia.
  • Partner organisations

    BetterEvaluation collaborates with organisational partners to create, share and support the use of knowledge about how to do evaluation better.
  • Aggregating, presenting and valuing climate change impacts

    This report aims to provide a picture of the impact of climate change resulting from the emissions of greenhouse gasses. In preparing the report, the authors took the following into consideration:
  • Framework for Assessing and Monitoring Forest Governance

    The Framework outlined in this paper can be used to facilitate description, diagnosis, monitoring, assessment and reporting on the state of governance in a country’s forest sector.
  • Reduced emissions from deforestation and forest degradation in Oddar Meanchey Province

    This project design document outlines the development of a program to support sustainable forest management and livelihood protection in Oddar Meanchey Province, Cambodia.   
  • Developing and evaluating evaluation budgets: Checklist tool

    This checklist is designed to provide assistance to evaluators in developing an evaluation budget, taking 'cost-effectiveness' and 'fiscal responsibility' standards into account. 
  • Evaluation report checklist

    This checklist was developed by drawing upon and reflecting on The Program Evaluation Standards which were created for the Joint Committee on Standards for Educational Evaluation, 1994.  
  • Using Flip Charts

    "Using Flip Charts is designed to help you get the most out of that ubiquitous meeting room item – the humble flip chart.
  • Policy Impact Toolkit

    This toolkit from the International Initiative for Impact Evaluations (3ie) and the Overseas Development Institute (ODI) is designed to support evaluators and rese
  • Utilization-Focused Evaluation Curriculum

    This webpage from Developing Evaluation Capacity in ICT4D (DECI) provides links to five learning modules which outline the basics of Utilization-Focussed evaluation plus two extra modules which are focused on ICT4D issues.
  • Evaluation design checklist

    The checklist provides a set of issues one needs to consider while planning, undertaking and reporting an evaluation and covers the requirements seen in typical requests for evaluation proposals.
  • Evaluation contract checklist

    This checklist is designed to help evaluators and clients identify key contractual issues that require agreement before an evaluation can commence.
  • Horizontal evaluation: Stimulating social learning among peers

    This guide published by the Institutional Learning and Change Initiative (ILAC) provides a detailed overview of Horizontal Evaluation and its uses.
  • Innovation histories: A method for learning from experience

    This brief from the Institutional Learning and Change Initiative (ILAC) outlines the purpose and the steps involved in creating an Institutional History.
  • Build reach into your logic model

    In this 1998 paper, Steve Montague addresses the limitation of logic models in that they have a tendency to direct their attention to causal chains without making reference to who and where the action was.
  • Framing participatory evaluation

    This 1998 paper by J.
  • Tips on producing institutional histories

    Brief Summary: The main objective of an institutional history is to help scientists and their organizations learn, so it is important that they actively engage in the process.
  • DECI Research Objectives

    Developing Evaluation Capacity in ICT4D (DECI) is a program developed by the International Development research Centre (IDRC) to develop capacity in ICDT amongst IDRC partners through a
  • Engaging scientists through institutional histories

    This brief from the Institutional Learning and Change Initiative (ILAC), describes the reasoning and methods for producing Institutional Histories (IH).