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  • Door Knocking as a Method of Recruiting a Sample

    Part of the Real Life Options "toolkit" series, this document explores the practice of recruiting participants for an interview study by knocking on doors in the chosen fieldsite.
  • After the ethical approval form: Ethical considerations of working in research teams

    Produced as part of the Realities "toolkit" series, this document highlights some of the issues around ethics within the research team and suggests some helpful approaches to ethical working relationships.
  • Putting on an exhibition about your research

    This toolkit from Real Life Methods is designed to support users to plan and hold an exhibition to disseminate finding
  • Using music elicitation to research people’s relationship with music

    This toolkit describes the use of music elicitation in group research with Extreme Metal fans as a way of researching the music experiences and memories.
  • Transcribing your own qualitative data

    This toolkit deals with transcribing your own, or your team’s, data. If you are considering sending your data to somebody else or an external transcribing agency, see the toolkit on outsourcing transcribing.
  • Using email interviews

    This Realities toolkit on Email Interviews draws on the author's experience of using email interviews in a multi-method study of older music fans.
  • Practical considerations for leading and working on a mixed methods project

    This toolkit from Realities aims to support staff who lead or work on mixed options research projects to prepare for, design and carry out their projects.
  • What to do with contradictory data?

    This toolkit focuses on the issue of data integration within mixed methods research.
  • Using Walking Interviews

    This toolkit discusses our experiences using walking interviews in outdoor urban environments, focusing on the practicalities of conducting these interviews and on ways of thinking about the data produced in the option, which we used
  • Using blog analysis

    This toolkit draws on experiences of a study in which blog analysis was used alongside interviews to explore young people’s representations of their gap year experiences.
  • Using phone interviews

    This toolkit explores the use of telephone interviews in qualitative research.
  • Data and Information Visualization Throughout the Evaluation Life Cycle for Participatory Evaluation...

    This slide show from a presentation given at the American Evaluation Association conference in 2011 by Johanna Morariu and Veena Pankaj looks at data and information visualisation and how it can be utilise
  • About BetterEvaluation

    We work collaboratively with our global community to create, share and support use of knowledge about how to better plan, manage, conduct and use evaluation.
  • Community health worker evaluation tool kit

    The Tool Kit was developed to be a practical and useful guide to program evaluation for CHWs and CHW programs. 
  • Preparing an Evaluation Statement of Work

    This guide provides a series of tips on preparing an evaluation statement of work (SOW).
  • Evaluation statements of work: Good practice examples

    This document provides readers with “good practice” examples of the various elements of an evaluation Scope Of Work (SOW) according to USAID.
  • Conducting mixed-method evaluations

    This technical note from the US Agency for International Development (USAID) provides an overview of using a mixed-methods approach for evaluation.
  • Using rapid appraisal methods

    This guide examines the benefits and limitations of the rapid appraisal approach.
  • Conducting key informant interviews

    This USAID document advises how to conduct and apply the rapid appraisal technique known as key informant interviews.
  • Using direct observation techniques

    Direct observation techniques allow for a more systematic, structured process, using well-designed observation record forms.
  • Constructing an evaluation report

    This guide from USAID has been designed to provide guidance on how to construct evaluation reports.
  • Selecting Performance Indicators

    This paper from USAID is aimed at providing guidance on the selection of effective performance indicators.
  • Baselines and targets

    This guide defines baselines and targets and why they are both important.
  • مبادئنا

    عدم إلحاق الضرر اتخاذ قرارات مدروسة بشأن أساليب وعمليات التقييم بما يتناسب مع الموقف المعيَّن تحديد المناقع والمخاطر في الأساليب والعمليات المتاحة، لاسيما لمن تخلفوا عن الركب أو استُبعِدوا  تعلِّم من التجارب في منظمتك
  • Unsere Grundsätze

    Minimale Beeinträchtigung Fundierte und der jeweiligen Situation angemessene Entscheidungen über Evaluationsmethoden und -prozesse. Ermittlung von Vor- und Nachteilen der verfügbaren Methoden und Prozesse – insbesondere in Berüc
  • Our principles

    Do no harm Make informed choices about evaluation methods and processes to suit the particular situation. Identify benefits and risks in the methods and processes available - especially for those left behind or excluded.
  • Nuestros principios

    No hacer daño Tomar decisiones informadas sobre los métodos y procesos de evaluación para adaptarse a la situación particular. Identificar los beneficios y riesgos en los métodos y procesos disponibles, especialme
  • Nos principes

    Ne pas nuire Faire des choix éclairés sur les méthodes et les processus d’évaluation en fonction d’une situation donnée. Identifier les avantages et les risques que présentent les méthodes et processus disponibles
  • Nossos princípios

    Não prejudicar Fazer escolhas informadas sobre métodos e processos de avaliação para se adequar a uma situação específica Identificar benefícios e riscos nos métodos e processos disponíveis - principalmente no que
  • Наши Принципы

    Не навредить Делать информированный выбор методов и процессов, подходящих для конкретной ситуации. Определять выгоды и риски, присутствующие в доступных методах и процессах, - особенно в отношении групп населения, не получающих
  • 我们的原则

    无伤害 针对特定的情况,明智地选择评估方法和过程。 识别现有方法和过程的益处和风险,特别是被忽略或被排除的部分。 从您所在的组织和部门以及当前和过去的经历中汲取经验。 系统地审查评估质量和影响,特别是被忽略或被排除的部分,并加以改进。 最优化 在计划和实施中嵌入评估思维和证据,而不仅仅是在项目完工之时。
  • Data quality standards

    This paper from USAID provides guidance for ensuring good data quality as a central part of establishing effective management systems.