GEI Training and Professional Development Programs

Displaying 51 - 56 of 56

Evaluation Excellence Awards

UNDP-IEO | Global

Objective(s): promote the recognition and the use of high-quality decentralized evaluations.

Scope: awards recognize and celebrate excellent quality decentralized evaluations conducted across three categories: outstanding, innovative, and gender-responsive evaluation.

National Evaluation Capacities (NEC) Conference

UNDP-IEO | Global

Objective(s): bring together government officials engaged directly and indirectly in evaluation and public policy, other actors engaged in evaluation, and partners engaged in national evaluation capacity development to share progress, lessons, innovations and experiences and perspectives in strengthening national monitoring and evaluation systems; enhance skills of those commissioning, conducting, using, and advocating for evaluation; and foster existing and new partnerships to strengthen national evaluation systems


WFP-OEV | Global

Objective(s): promote knowledge-sharing, drawing from the current practices of WFP Evaluation and partners in challenging contexts in the humanitarian-development-peace field. EvalXchange aims to explore some of the most topical
issues of the day, bringing people together in a festival of learning.

Scope (topics may change each year):
-Developmental Evaluation
-Strengthening National Evaluation Capacities
-Impact Evaluation and Gender

Emerging Evaluator Programme

WFP-OEV | Regional

Objective(s): provide Emerging Evaluators (EEs) in Southern Africa with an opportunity to develop technical evaluation skills, through exposure to real-life evaluation work. More specifically, this programme will train Emerging Evaluators to engage in and deliver quality evaluation work; promote the sharing of experiences and facilitate access to learning opportunities; and stimulate interest in M&E and expand the pool of EEs.

Certificate of Advanced Studies (CAS) in Evaluation

ZUW | Regional

Objective(s): provide candidates with an opportunity to acquire a basic understanding of evaluation and the necessary competencies to plan, commission, manage, and use evaluations and to communicate the results according to different audiences.

Introduction to environmental evaluation approaches and tools

GEF-IEO | Global

This course is a self-paced online training designed to provide foundational frameworks and tools for evaluating the environmental dimensions of a development intervention. With the increasing global awareness on how social and economic issues are interrelated with environmental issues, this course aims to fill the gap in knowledge and skills on how to integrate environmental considerations in evaluations of development interventions.