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  • Terms of reference

    Develop the formal document that outlines the requirements for the evaluation.
    Manager's guide to evaluation
  • Élaborer le mandat

    Le mandat ou la demande de propositions est un énoncé explicite des ressources, des rôles et des responsabilités des évaluateurs et de l’organisation qui commande l’évaluation ou du gestionnaire de l’évaluation
    Manager's guide to evaluation
  • Identify what resources are available for the evaluation and what will be needed

    It is important to develop an estimate of the resources that are available for evaluation and what will be required to do the evaluation well.
    Manager's guide to evaluation
  • Cibler les ressources disponibles pour l’évaluation et ce qui sera nécessaire

    Il est important d’établir une estimation des ressources disponibles pour l’évaluation et de ce qui sera requis pour bien réaliser l’évaluation.
    Manager's guide to evaluation
  • Specify the key evaluation questions

    Articulate a small number of broad evaluation questions that the evaluation will be designed to answer. These are different to the specific questions you might ask in an interview or a questionnaire.
    Rainbow Framework
  • Implementation

    Oversee or engage in specific evaluation activities to collect and analyse data as set out in the evaluation work plan (including revising it as needed) and keeping the evaluation management group(s) informed and involved.
    Manager's guide to evaluation
  • Gérer la mise en oeuvre de l’évaluation

    Le plan d’évaluation doit préciser la séquence des activités d’évaluation et énoncer clairement les rôles et les responsabilités de l’évaluateur et des divers membres de l’équipe d’évaluation ainsi que de toutes les autres personnes qui participent au…
    Manager's guide to evaluation
  • Develop agreed key evaluation questions

    Evaluation, by definition, must answer truly evaluative questions: it must ask not only ‘What were the results?’ (a descriptive question) but also ‘How good were the results?’ (an evaluative question). Depending on the type of evaluation, causal questions…
    Manager's guide to evaluation
  • Élaborer les principales questions d’évaluation convenues

    L’évaluation, par définition, doit répondre à des questions vraiment évaluatives : elle doit non seulement demander « Quels ont été les résultats? » (une question descriptive), mais également « À quel point les résultats ont-ils été bons? » (une question…
    Manager's guide to evaluation
  • Address particular evaluation management issues relating to joint projects, including donor partnerships

    Evaluations may involve interventions that are collaborative ventures (such as co-funded or jointly implemented projects).
    Manager's guide to evaluation
  • Aborder les questions particulières liées à la gestion de l’évaluation qui concernent les projets conjoints, y compris les partenariats avec des bailleurs de fonds

    Les évaluations peuvent comprendre des interventions concertées (comme des projets cofinancés ou mis en œuvre conjointement).
    Manager's guide to evaluation
  • Evaluation work plan

    Oversee or engage in the development of a work plan that sets out the specific activities to implement the evaluation. This should include identification of the reporting requirements and a dissemination plan.
    Manager's guide to evaluation
  • Gérer l’élaboration du plan de travail de l’évaluation, y compris la logistique

    Le plan de travail peut s’appuyer sur des documents existants, il n’est donc pas nécessaire de partir de zéro ou de dédoubler les efforts.
    Manager's guide to evaluation
  • C4D: Define

    The Define tasks involves developing a description of the program and how it is understood to work.
    Communication for Development (C4D)
  • Determine the evaluator qualities

    Different types of evaluation (e.g., impact assessment, action-oriented evaluation) will have different demands in terms of technical and other expertise and the degree of ‘distance’ between the evaluator and the subject.
    Manager's guide to evaluation
  • Déterminer les qualités de l’évaluateur

    Different types of evaluation (e.g., impact assessment, action-oriented evaluation) will have different demands in terms of technical and other expertise and the degree of ‘distance’ between the evaluator and the subject.
    Manager's guide to evaluation
  • Identify who are the primary intended users of the evaluation and what will they use it for

    In most cases, the evaluation will have multiple uses.
    Manager's guide to evaluation
  • Déterminer qui sont les principaux utilisateurs prévus de l’évaluation et dans quel but ils l’utiliseront

    Dans la plupart des cas, les utilisations de l’évaluation seront multiples.
    Manager's guide to evaluation
  • Support the use of evaluation findings

    Following up on the organisation’s response to evaluation findings is an essential part of supporting use. This is often a management responsibility but it is recommended to build time into the evaluation plan and budget for the evaluator(s) to provide…
    Manager's guide to evaluation
  • Appuyer l’utilisation des constatations de l’évaluation

    Le suivi de la réponse de l’organisation aux constatations de l’évaluation est un élément essentiel pour appuyer l’utilisation.
    Manager's guide to evaluation
  • Scope evaluation

    Take the time to consider carefully what the evaluation needs to do before considering possible designs. Ensure all those who need to be consulted during this process are adequately involved.
    Manager's guide to evaluation
  • Définir la portée de l’évaluation

    Il est important de prendre le temps d’examiner attentivement l’objectif de l’évaluation avant d’envisager les conceptions possibles. Veillez à ce que toutes les personnes qui doivent être consultées au cours de ce processus participent de façon appropriée
    Manager's guide to evaluation
  • Policies, strategies and plans

    Organisational policies, strategies, and plans are high-level documents, usually endorsed at a senior governance level, which set the parameters for M&E within an organisation.
    National M&E Systems
  • Context and national M&E systems

    The context of an M&E system can encompass a broad range of factors, including cultural norms, historical legacies, economic conditions, social structures, and even geographical considerations.
    National M&E Systems
  • Strengthening national M&E systems (beta)

    This new content section is a detailed resource repository focused on understanding and strengthening national Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) systems.
    National M&E Systems
  • Pathways to advance professionalisation within the context of the AES

    This report by Greet Peersman and Patricia Rogers for the Australasian Evaluation Society (AES) identifies four potential pathways towards professionalisation within the context of the AES. These pathways are as follows:
  • Designing participatory meetings and brownbags: A TOPS quick guide to linking development practitioners

    This short guide by the Technical and Operational Performance Support (TOPS) Program and USAID focuses on identifying appropriate formats and approaches for presentations, group discussions and problem solving sessions to enhance peer-to-pe
  • Fellows

    Fellow is a category of membership of an association or society, often awarded to an individual based on their contributions to evaluation.
  • Awards

    An award is a formal recognition by peers of outstanding individuals or practice. Some awards are made for cumulative good practice, and others are for exemplars of good practice, such as awards for the best evaluation.
  • Seasonal calendars

    Seasonal calendars are useful for evaluation as they can help analyse time-related cyclical changes in data.
  • Bridging the gap: The role of monitoring and evaluation in evidence-based policy making

    Monitoring and evaluation have a strategic role to play in informing policy-making processes. 
  • Evaluation costing

    Evaluation expenses are highly situational and there are no magic formulas for calculating costs. 