
3447 results

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  • Develop theory of change / programme theory

    A programme theory or theory of change (TOC) explains how an intervention (a project, a programme, a policy, a strategy) is understood to contribute to a chain of results that produce the intended or actual impacts.
    Rainbow Framework
  • Lost causal: Debunking myths about causal analysis in philanthropy

    This 2021 paper, updated in 2024, advocates for more causal analysis in philanthropic evaluation - not just describing actions taken and changes observed, but also learning how and why change occurred.
  • Rethinking rigour to embrace complexity in peacebuilding evaluation

    This 2024 open-access journal article presents the inclusive rigour framework and applies it to three cases of peace-building evaluation.
  • Causal Pathways introductory session: How do I mix and combine methods?

    This session of the Causal Pathways Symposium 2023 explores when to use different methods and how to combine them to better understand and visualise causal pathways.
  • Causal Pathways introductory session: Causal mapping

    This session of the Causal Pathways Symposium 2023, by Steve Powell, focused on causal mapping, a tool for mapping causal relationships in evaluation, including visualizing them.
  • Causal Pathways introductory session: Qualitative Impact Protocol (QuIP)

    This session of the Causal Pathways Symposium 2023, by Fiona Remnant and James Copestake, discusses QuIP, a non-experimental goal-free approach to impact evaluation that can map and analyze causal mechanisms.
  • Causal Pathways introductory session: Realist evaluation

    This session of the Causal Pathways Symposium 2023, by Melanie Punton, is an introduction to Realist Evaluation, a theory-based evaluation approach based on the idea that interventions do not work for everyone, all the time.
  • Causal Pathways introductory session: Outcome harvesting for exploring causal pathways

    This session of the Causal Pathways Symposium 2023, by Carlisle Levine and Hippolyt Pul, introduces outcome harvesting, a method to collect evidence of what has changed and whether and how an intervention has contributed to these changes.
  • Causal Pathways introductory session: The inclusive rigour framework

    This session of the Causal Pathways Symposium 2023, by Marina Apgar, Leslie Wingender, and Helene Bradburn, introduces the inclusive rigour framework.
  • Causal Pathways introductory session: Causal link monitoring

    This session of the Causal Pathways Symposium 2023, by Heather Britt, introduced causal link monitoring, a method for integrating monitoring data and evaluation in order to address causality amid complexity.
  • Causal Pathways introductory session: Contribution analysis

    This session of the Causal Pathways Symposium 2023, by Drew Koleros, explored the use of contribution analysis as a theory-based approach to evaluation to unpack complexity within complex systems change evaluations.
  • Causal Pathways breakout session: Process tracing

    This session of the Causal Pathways Symposium 2023, by Zoë Sutherland, explores process tracing and how it can be used to understand causal pathways.
  • Designing contribution analysis of participatory programming to tackle the worst forms of child labour

    This Research and Evidence Paper presents the theory-based and participatory evaluation design of the Child Labour: Action-Research-Innovation in South and South-Eastern Asia (CLARISSA) programme.
  • Assessing the contribution to market system change of the private enterprise programme Ethiopia

    This IDS Bulletin paper examines an impact evaluation of the "Making Markets Work for the Poor" (M4P) program in Ethiopia.
  • Causal pathways: A shared understanding

    This 2022 document by members of the Causal Pathways Initiative articulates a shared understanding of the concept of “causal pathways'' in evaluation and strategy.
  • Determine what constitutes high quality evaluation

    For any evaluation, there needs to be clarity about what will be considered a quality and ethical evaluation.
    Rainbow Framework
  • Causal link monitoring

    Causal Link Monitoring (CLM) is an evaluation approach that combines implementation design and monitoring to support adaptive management of projects, helping project planners and managers to identify processes needed to achieve desired outcomes.
  • Introducing the Causal Pathways Resource Hub

    We are pleased to launch the Causal Pathways Resource Hub: A set of new and revised pages on BetterEvaluation, developed in partnership with the Causal Pathways Initiative.
  • Causal pathways

    A causal pathways perspective on evaluation focuses on understanding how, why, and under what conditions change happens or has happened.
  • Making causal pathways visible amid complexity

    This report from 2021 shares findings from an investigation into how social change agents, including philanthropists, can better understand and learn from ongoing changes and improve their strategies now and in the future.
  • Causal Pathways Initiative project

    The Causal Pathways Initiative seeks to help philanthropy and other funders open up the black box of strategy and systems change.
  • Protocolo de evaluación del impacto cualitativo

    El Protocolo de Evaluación del Impacto Cualitativo (QuIP, por sus siglas en inglés) es un enfoque de evaluación de impacto que se basa en el Análisis de Contribución.
  • Qualitative impact assessment protocol

    The Qualitative Impact Assessment Protocol (QuIP) is an impact evaluation approach that collects and documents narrative causal statements directly from those affected by an intervention.
  • Análise de contribuição

    Análise de contribuição (contribution analysis) é uma abordagem para avaliar questões causais e inferir causalidade em avaliações de programas reais.
  • Análisis de contribución

    El análisis de contribución es un enfoque diseñado para evaluar las preguntas causales e inferir la causalidad en las evaluaciones de la vida real de los programas.
  • Contribution analysis

    Contribution analysis is an evaluation approach that provides a systematic way of understanding an intervention's contribution to observed outcomes or impacts.
  • Realist evaluation

    An approach especially to impact evaluation which examines what works for whom in what circumstances through what causal mechanisms, including changes in the reasoning and resources of participants.
  • Realist evaluation

    Realist evaluation aims to identify the underlying generative causal mechanisms that explain how outcomes were caused and how context influences these.
  • El mapeo de alcances

    El mapeo de alcances (MA), también llamado mapeo de resultados (outcomes), es una metodología para planificar, hacer seguimiento y evaluar las iniciativas de desarrollo con el fin de generar un cambio social sostenible.
  • Outcome Mapping

    Outcome Mapping is an approach that helps unpack an initiative’s theory of change and provides a framework to collect data on the immediate, basic changes that lead to longer, more transformative change. This allows for the plausible assessment of the…
  • Cambio más significativo

    El enfoque del Cambio Más Significativo (MSC, por sus siglas en inglés) implica generar y analizar relatos personales de cambio y decidir cuál de estos es el más importante, y por qué.
  • Most significant change

    The Most Significant Change (MSC) approach involves generating and analysing personal accounts of change and deciding which is the most significant – and why.