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  • Zum gebrauch des BetterEvaluation rainbow framework

    BetterEvaluation Rainbow Framework regt zum Nachdenken über eine Reihe von Schlüsselfragen an.
  • Using the BetterEvaluation Rainbow Framework

    This compact version of the Rainbow Framework in English was created in 2014.
  • Improving data quality: Early lessons from the Senegal power compact

    In this blog, Dr Marème Ndoye (MCA Senegal II Director of Monitoring, Evaluation, and Economic Analysis) shares how the implementation of a data validation committee has helped the understanding and communication of results.
  • Evaluación de la huella ecológica

    La evaluación de la huella ecológica tiene por objeto incorporar la evaluación de la sostenibilidad ambiental en todas las evaluaciones (y en todos los sistemas de seguimiento), y no solo en aquellas que tienen objetivos ambientales explícitos.
  • Footprint evaluation

    Footprint evaluation aims to embed consideration of environmental sustainability in all evaluations and monitoring systems, not only those with explicit environmental objectives.
  • Evaluación que incorpora la sostenibilidad: Por qué la necesitamos y cómo hacerla

    La presente orientación tiene por objeto ayudar a las personas que están realizando o supervisando evaluaciones a incorporar la sostenibilidad ambiental de formas que sean factibles y útiles.
  • Sustainability-inclusive evaluation: Why we need it and how to do it

    This guidance from the Footprint Evaluation Initiative aims to support those doing or overseeing evaluations to include environmental sustainability in feasible and useful ways.
  • Case study

    A research design that focuses on understanding a unit (person, site or project) in its context, which can use a combination of qualitative and quantitative data.
  • Value for investment: A practical evaluation theory

    This booklet proposes a model for evaluating value for investment in social programs by integrating economic and evaluative thinking. Julian King is a New Zealand public policy consultant.
  • Intégrer des approches genre en évaluation

    Cette infographie de École nationale d'administration publique (ENAP) sert de guide pratique pour intégrer les considérations de genre dans l'évaluation de diverses interventions.
  • Net-Map toolbox

    This website provides a detailed overview of the uses of the Net-Map tool which has been designed for influence mapping of social networks.
  • Monitoring And Evaluation Boot Camp

    Objective(s): strengthen participants’ technical skills within monitoring and evaluation, qualitative and quantitative research methodologies, and project management; help participants further advance their career in the development field; provide netwo
    GEI Training and Professional Development
  • Evidence Based Program Design

    Objective(s): equip participants with the technical tools to apply a structured and highly practical approach to programme design and implementation, incorporating economic theory and evidence at every stage; help determine mechanisms that can help ensu
    GEI Training and Professional Development
  • Innovative Leadership In The Age Of Data

    Objective(s): teach participants how to apply a structured, data-driven approach to decision making; appreciate that data is accessible, practical, and applicable; recognize and articulate the value of grounding decisions in explicitly stated theories;
    GEI Training and Professional Development
  • AfDB Evaluation Week

    Objective(s): share evidence and discuss what has worked in development, what has not, and why.
    GEI Training and Professional Development
  • Building Capacity To Use Research Evidence

    Objective(s): investigate individual and organisational barriers to using data and evidence, and work with local collaborating organisations to systematically address these constraints in their own context.
    GEI Training and Professional Development
  • Leading Thinking Firms (LTF)

    Objective(s): build participants’ ability to leverage data to make strategic decisions and use iterative design to rapidly test and hone their solutions as well as provide participants with tools and skills necessary to solve their companies’ most press
    GEI Training and Professional Development
  • Asian Evaluation Week

    Objective(s): provide a platform for participants to exchange knowledge, share experiences, and learn about the latest innovations in evaluation.
    GEI Training and Professional Development
  • International Training Program in Development Evaluation (PIFED)

    Objective(s): provide participants with foundational knowledge and skills in the field of evaluation in a development context; train participants on the general principles and contexts as well as current challenges related to evaluation; develop partic
    GEI Training and Professional Development
  • Professional Master's in Economics - Emphasis on Public Policy

    Objective(s): train professionals who seek to deepen their knowledge of public policies with a solid microeconomic and quantitative foundation for the design, monitoring and evaluation of public policies.
    GEI Training and Professional Development
  • Evaluating Social Programmes (ESP) Course

    Objective(s): provide a thorough grounding in conducting randomised evaluations for measuring the impact of social programmes and policies.
    GEI Training and Professional Development
  • M&E residency program - Fundação Getulio Vargas (FGV) undergraduate students

    Objective(s): provide undergrad students with an opportunity to the first contact with practical M&E activities through practical learning (on-the-job training) and mentoring.
    GEI Training and Professional Development
  • Research for Impact Fellowship (RFI)

    Objective(s): equip young development researchers with the theoretical knowledge and practical skills necessary to design and implement randomised evaluations for assessing the effectiveness of social policies and programmes.
    GEI Training and Professional Development
  • Measurement and Survey Design Course (MSDC)

    Objective(s): provide a comprehensive introduction to the concepts in measurement theory and quantitative survey design.
    GEI Training and Professional Development
  • Policy Skills & Leadership

    Objective(s): equip participants with a better understanding of the potential and underlying challenges, to develop their policy skills for building and managing more productive partnerships with policy actors, and ultimately, to lead better and well-su
    GEI Training and Professional Development
  • Results-Based Management (RBM)

    Objective(s): teach participants the history and purpose of results-based management, comparing it with alternative models of public management; explain the three main stages of RBM (planning, monitoring, evaluation) and the different activities related
    GEI Training and Professional Development
  • Specialized Modules in Development Evaluation

    Objective(s): Offer a more advanced level training for evaluators and participants of the basic PIFED program who wish to deepen their knowledge of evaluation by focusing on a specific subject or method.
    GEI Training and Professional Development
  • EvalXchange

    Objective(s): promote knowledge-sharing, drawing from the current practices of WFP Evaluation and partners in challenging contexts in the humanitarian-development-peace field. EvalXchange aims to explore some of the most topical
    GEI Training and Professional Development
  • Facilitating Gender Transformative Evaluation

    Objective(s): help participants build necessary perspectives and skills on why and how to conduct gender transformative evaluations, introduces participants to the concepts of both gender and evaluation and enable them to bring in a critical gender tra
    GEI Training and Professional Development
  • Competition: Young and Emerging Evaluators on Culturally Responsive Evaluation

    The Independent Evaluation Group of the World Bank (IEG), the Global Evaluation Initiative (GEI), and EvalYouth announce a call for papers on the topic of culturally responsive evaluation in countries in the majority world. The deadline for submissions is…
  • Iterative design and monitoring for adaptive management: How causal link monitoring can help

    Development actors are embracing the concept and practice of adaptive management, using evidence to inform ongoing revisions throughout implementation.
  • Monitoring and accountability practices for remotely managed projects...

    This report from Tearfund brings together a number of research findings examining the issue of remote project monitoring and beneficiary accountability.